Have You Learned How to Cartwheel? Cartwheel by Target App | $100 Target #GIVEAWAY | #BackToSchool #IC #Ad

I participated in a Blog Blast on behalf of Influence Central for Johnson & Johnson and Target. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation. I am a self diagnosed Target addict. There is something about that store. Even if I only have three things on my list, I leave with a cart full. Maybe it's the awesome stuff they stock, but it could be because I often times get amazing deals thanks to the Cartwheel by Target … [Read more...]

Join me at the #BritaBackToCollege Twitter Party 8/13

This post brought to you by Brita. The content and opinions expressed below are that of http://www.ourkidsmom.com/. I have been encouraging my kids lately to drink more water (instead of pop). My two youngest don't drink much pop, but my oldest two do. Now that they are heading off to college, I have been stressing it even more. When my daughter moved to college a couple of years ago we purchased a Brita Space Saver Pitcher for … [Read more...]

Halloween Pretzel Pumpkins Recipe

  Halloween Pretzel Pumpkins Recipe My kids love pretzels. Pretzels by themselves, pretzels and peanut butter, pretzels and Nutella and especially chocolate/candy coated pretzels. This simple recipe brings the candy coated pretzel to the next level, and makes them even more fun for fall or Halloween. With or without the Jack o Lantern face, they are adorable! INGREDIENTS 24 Mini Pretzels 1 cup Orange Candy Melting Chips 24 Green … [Read more...]

5 Surefire Ways to Protect Your Home From the Unexpected

5 Surefire Ways to Protect Your Home From the Unexpected We put so much time, love and energy into making our homes our own. So, why then do we fall short on protecting it from unexpected disasters? Services like san antonio fire watch services make it so easy to do. The idea of a natural disaster or burglary destroying our home isn’t pleasant to think about. It’s much easier to tune those bad thoughts out and just hope for the best. … [Read more...]

Summer of Kitchenaid Sweepstakes | Kitchenaid #GIVEAWAY | ends 8/21

Welcome to the Summer of Kitchenaid Sweepstakes Organized by Budget Earth Do you like to make delicious summer treats? For many of us, some of our best summer memories are sitting outside with family eating delicious fruit treats or even a yummy ice cream from the ice cream truck. With summer vacation may nearly be over, summer is still in full swing. It isn't too late to make some homemade ice cream, especially with seasonal fruits! To … [Read more...]

Ladybug Cupcakes | Homemade Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe

Ladybug Cupcakes These adorable ladybug cupcakes are perfect for a little girl's party or just for a fun summer treat. With the right piping tip you've got a super quick and fun cupcake the kids will love. We start these cupcakes with a homemade chocolate cupcake recipe. You can, of course, start with a box mix if you'd like. Print 5.0 from 2 reviews Homemade Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe Author: Heather … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) … [Read more...]

Tips for Saving Money on BTS Supplies

Samples received. All opinions are my own. I know some of you are shoving your fingers in your ears at the first utterance of "back to school". You're thinking summer has just begun, right? Yes... but if you are wanting to stay ahead of the game and save a little green you have to think ahead. I've been buying school supplies for nearly 18 years now. Here are a few tips I've learned along the way. Tips for Saving Money on BTS … [Read more...]

How to Experience Walt Disney World on the Cheap

How to Experience Walt Disney World on the Cheap Walt Disney World can be a budget vacation if you plan it out right, but it’s a lot harder to make it into a cheap vacation. Things at Disney World are not cheap, by any stretch of the imagination, nor are there all these deals being advertised to help you save your money. Instead of piling on packages that save you money on each individual item, but add up to a lot more than a general admission … [Read more...]

7 Essentials When Moving Into A Dorm

7 Essentials When Moving Into A Dorm #GetYourOwnNow Samples received. All opinions are my own. This fall I will officially have two children in college. You would think I'm an expert at this by now, but this is actually my first time sending a child off to the dorms! My son and I recently visited our local Bed, Bath & Beyond to start his back to school/dorm shopping. Thankfully Bed, Bath & Beyond was ready for us with a Student … [Read more...]