Dehumidifiers: A Missing Link for Pet, Cooking, and Mold Odor Control?

Dehumidifiers: A Missing Link for Real Pet, Cooking, and Mold Odor Control? Odors can sometimes plague the home, and when they do then you need to find the right control for them. Whether it is pet odor, cooking odor or mold odor, you can get the right control for all of the scents that you find throughout your home. Consider adding a little dry air to your home when it is too moisture-ridden, since this is what can carry the odors around the … [Read more...]

JLust by Jennifer Lopez Women’s Perfume

JLust by Jennifer Lopez Women's Perfume Sample received. All opinions are my own. I am the kind of girl that gets ready head to toe every day. From hair and makeup to perfume. It changes my mood for the better and I just feel better overall. I have a nice variety of perfumes on my dresser and I choose which one to use depending on my mood. So when I was asked if I'd like to try JLust by Jennifer Lopez I was game. First impressions mean … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) … [Read more...]

5 Ways To Have Fun While Learning During The Summer

This post is brought to you by Camp Invention and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own. Summer is associated with a break from school for most children, but you don't have to let that mean your kids aren't continually learning. Our sponsor, Camp Invention, is dedicated to enriching children's lives through fun filled STEM focused fun. This list of great summer ideas for continued education is just the beginning of what you can do to encourage … [Read more...]

A 5-Course Meal Devoted to Ginger

A 5-Course Meal Devoted to Ginger Sometimes, it seems that ginger is a wintertime spice: You see it all over the holiday season, in gingerbread, gingersnaps, and ginger cider. However, ginger isn’t just for the cold season. In fact, there are plenty of nutrients in ginger that make it beneficial to eat and drink year-round. For one, ginger seems to lower cholesterol and blood sugars, which helps improve health no matter the temperature … [Read more...]

Ways To Feed Kids Healthy Foods With Menu Planning #CMHMoms

This post brought to you Children's Mercy. All opinions are my own. All parents want to encourage healthy eating habits in their children.  One of the best ways to do this is to menu plan with your kids help each week.  Getting them involved in what they will be eating each day helps you to recognize their preferred foods, while also introducing them to healthier options on a regular basis.  We have some great tips for how to get healthy foods … [Read more...]

Give yourself the Laundry Room of Your Dreams

Give yourself the Laundry Room of Your Dreams When you're asked to name your favorite room in the house, how often do you say your laundry room wins the prize? Most of us dread the time we have to spend with the washer and dryer and wouldn't list that experience among our best memories. But with a little attention and some fun ideas, you can create the laundry room you've always wanted. The artsy crafters and the DIY-ers will enjoy taking the … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) … [Read more...]

DC Super Hero Girls | $100 Visa GC #GIVEAWAY | ends 4/30

DC SUPER HERO GIRLS  If your kids are looking for action-packed girl power, look no further than DC Super Hero Girls. DC Entertainment’s latest animated series features a dynamic group of Super Heros on their journey of discovering the power of their unique abilities and friendships. I love how dynamic the characters are, from strong and fearless to edgy and fun; there is a character for everyone. The DC Super Hero Girls YouTube channel makes … [Read more...]

Easter Bunny Trail Mix

Easter Bunny Trail Mix If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that my family is all about popcorn. Since I had some leftover Wilton melting chocolates from a few other projects, I needed to whip up a batch of Easter Bunny Trail Mix. YOU WILL NEED: * Wilton melting chocolates (one color or multiple) * popped popcorn * pretzels * chocolate candies * peanuts * wax paper There are no wrong or right measurements for this recipe. … [Read more...]