DIY Craft | Family Tree Scrabble Style

DIY Craft | Family Tree Scrabble Style   For our 25th wedding anniversary my oldest daughter presented us with this family tree wall hanging. I absolutely LOVED it and wanted to share in hopes it might help spark a creative (& fairly simple) gift for a loved one in your lives! You will need: Scrabble letters to spell the names/words you choose 2 pieces of contrasting scrapbook paper scissors or razor blade to cut … [Read more...]

Heather’s Quick and Easy No Yeast Pizza Crust Recipe

Heather's Quick and Easy No Yeast Pizza Crust Recipe I have been making this crust since I was around 13 and I’m not quite sure where the recipe came from (probably Betty Crocker). My grandma used to have me make several when I was visiting and she would freeze them for later. It is not an airy crust, but it does rise a little and the kids seem to love it. I am posting the homemade pizza dough recipe as written. We have altered it on … [Read more...]

Exercises for Banishing the Baby Weight After Delivery

Exercises for Banishing the Baby Weight After Delivery The miracle of pregnancy and childbirth changes your mind, body and soul forever. The mind and soul part is great, but the body part has some downsides. According the to Centers for Disease Control, nearly half of women gain more weight than recommended during pregnancy, but that’s not the only change. Your stomach muscles expand and can pull apart in the third trimester. If you were on … [Read more...]

Time to Update the Kitchen | LG Remodeling Sale #bbyremodeling

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free Remodeling our kitchen was one of the best ideas we ever had. It not only updated our house, but it made the heart of our home more enjoyable to be in. Remodeling can be quite costly, but when you time it just right there are savings to be had. Like right now at the Best Buy Remodeling Sales … [Read more...]

Easter Bunny Butt Cookies

Easter Bunny Butt Cookies Easter is just around the corner and my kids are already begging for bunny goodies. These fun sugar cookies are stacked and combined in a fun way that looks like the Easter Bunny from behind! Ingredients: 1-1/3 cups and 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup butter, softened 3/4 cup white sugar 1/2 egg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla … [Read more...]

Traveling with Twins on Planes

Two to Kiss, Two to Love: Traveling with Twins on Plane  The “Two to Kiss, Two to Love” series is a helpful series on BabyCubby for all you twin mamas out there! This guest post was written by Jackie Hall, mom to three: twin infants and a three year old daughter. As I write to you, I’m on vacation with my parents in California. We plan to do Disneyland next week, but in the meantime, are visiting with my mom’s friend, Robyn. … [Read more...]

Wellness in a Wacky World: Modern Mini-Meditations for Stressed Out Moms

Wellness in a Wacky World: Modern Mini-Meditations for Stressed Out Moms New moms may well be the people most likely to feel overstressed, and the least likely to do a darn thing about it. Although the rewards of motherhood are many, the demands put upon mothers are also mighty. Unfortunately, some moms feel that taking time for themselves is not allowed. If you’re a stressed-out mom, there are a number of techniques that can calm you. Mediation … [Read more...]

Why It’s Important To Give Teens More Freedom

Why It's Important To Give Teens More Freedom As a parent who is fully aware of negative social influences on young people, you might be inclined to provide your teenager with more guidance and structure than they appear willing to accept. Unfortunately, you may have noticed that the more you try to reason with them, explaining the reason for your family rules, the more they appear to tune you out. This, to say the least, can be very … [Read more...]

Are You Ready for a Dog?

Are You Ready for a Dog? People decide they want a dog for all kinds of reasons. There are those who have always had a pet and simply can’t imagine a life without one. Sometimes they are lonely and want a companion at home as well as a way to meet new people. Others have dreamed of owning their own dog but have only recently had the opportunity. Whatever the motivation, it’s important to take a step back from the emotions in play and evaluate … [Read more...]

Choosing the Best Vlogging Camera: A Guide for Mom Bloggers

Choosing the Best Vlogging Camera: A Guide for Mom Bloggers Photo by Philip McMaster / CC BY-NC 2.0 Are you passionate about sharing some parenting and childcare tips, as well as your family’s memories, on your blog? If so, then vlogging or video blogging can be a worthwhile activity for mom bloggers like you. It’s quite easy to learn—you just need to talk in front of the camera about the things that you’re interested in. However, if you … [Read more...]