Mobile Devices Are For So Much More than Talking 

When cell phones first started to gain popularity a couple of decades ago, people mostly used them for communication. For instance, it was great to have a mobile phone in the car in case of an emergency, and to use it to call home when you were at the supermarket and weren't sure which brand of frozen corn to buy.  Fast forward to today, and it seems that many people do everything but talk on their mobile devices. Of course, you can definitely … [Read more...]

Patriotic Rice Krispies Treat Pops

Patriotic Rice Krispies Treat Pops Growing up, Rice Krispie Treats were one of my all time favorite snacks. They were easy to make and fun to eat. With the 4th of July just around the corner we took Rice Krispie Treats to the next level and turned them into a tri-colored POP! Although they are not the “healthiest” treat around, I try allow my children an indulgence every once in a while. To make them, you will need: 6 cups Rice … [Read more...]

5 Things to Prep Before Bringing Baby Home 

 Already thinking about what comes the day after you arrive home with your baby cradled in your arms? Congrats! Thinking ahead is a vital skill for parents and one that you've displayed by imagining what comes around the corner.  Nightmare stories from other parents about sleepless nights and chaotic days have you worried? Don't worry too much. Those horror stories need not apply to you. At least not to the same degree! With some … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Keep Bathroom Remodeling Costs Down

5 Ways to Keep Bathroom Remodeling Costs Down You've thought about it for a long time, and after careful consideration, you've decided the master bathroom needs a total overhaul. But you face a problem: a tight budget. The good news is that you can remodel your bathroom on a budget. Find out the five ways you can cut costs while remodeling a bathroom. Create a Plan Image via Flickr by Hey Paul Studios Before you start any work, … [Read more...]

3 Reasons Your Kids Make You Gain Weight 

Weight gain during pregnancy is natural, not to mention expected, but kids also have the power to make you pack on the pounds even after they're born. Changes in your eating and sleeping habits take their toll on your body in more ways than you can imagine, and the stress of parenthood plays a substantial role as well. Your kids don't mean to make you gain weight, but the lifestyle changes that occur when there's a little one in the house make it … [Read more...]

Games to master for better business 

The business world has been compared to games for generations. There can be high stakes, strategies to implement and tricks to learn that can allow you to beat your competition and win the game, whether that game is cards or running a business. To be successful in both gaming and business, you need to have a set goal in mind and the concentration to stick to a plan while remaining flexible enough to adapt to any new scenarios or challenges. … [Read more...]

Affordable Gestures to Thank Your Guests When Hosting a Wedding 

Your loved ones may have ventured near and far to spend your wedding day with you. Although you may be the guest of honor during your nuptials, you still want to send your guests thanks for supporting you through the celebration. The following are affordable gestures your guests are sure to appreciate  Welcome Them with a Care Package  If your wedding guest list is extensive, you may wonder how to please varying tastes with affordable … [Read more...]

Best Family Vacation Destinations With Fido

For some families, the dog is just as much as family members as anyone else, and this means taking Fido along for family vacations. However, not all destinations are dog friendly, which means while you can bring your pet, he or she will spend most of his time locked up in the hotel—if you can even find one that will allow your dog to stay inside. However, just because you want to bring your dog along on vacation doesn’t mean you should suffer … [Read more...]

DIY Flower Baskets

Photo credit   When it comes to gift giving, a personal, and home-grown flower basket is perfect for almost any occasion. People love to grow plants and flowers, and they love to share them. Giving a DIY flower basket is actually giving someone a gift of life. Choice flowers for baskets When it comes to a beautiful flower that will bloom all summer, and comes in a variety … [Read more...]

7 Flexible Jobs That Will Turn You Into an Entrepreneur Mom

While many moms would love to be stay-at-home moms, the reality is that few families can afford to survive on one income these days. There is a way, however, to be around for your children while also contributing financially to the household- working from home. There are so many different opportunities to work from home these days that anybody could find something which suited them. Here are seven of the best flexible jobs for moms to work … [Read more...]