Preparing Your Child for Independence

Whether your child is only 2, or already 12, you want to make sure that they have the tools they need to be able to survive independently. Currently, it may not be clear when they will fly the nest, either for college, or simply to live away from the family home. By teaching them some basic skills, and putting your own preparations into place, you can give them a helping hand that will make the transition from child to adult that bit easier, … [Read more...]

6 Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow

Having cash at your disposal when you need to buy something or pay an unexpected bill is nice, but sometimes that’s a tall order when you have a family. Still, finding ways to keep some cash available is always good. Take a look at these 6 tips if you need help increasing your cash flow.  Find a Side Hustle The best way to increase your cash flow is to simply make more money. If you’re already working one job, consider picking up a … [Read more...]

7 Sentimental Gift Ideas for Your Family

Nobody is more special than family, so finding the best gifts for your family should be a top priority. Ideally, family gifts should be sentimental. If you’re having trouble coming up with good sentimental gift ideas for your family, here are 7 ideas.  Family Photos Family photos are one of the best ways to celebrate your love for your family, so give everyone in the family a beautiful family photo this year. You can pick a custom … [Read more...]

How to Help Your Kids When a Family Member Goes to Prison

More than 2.7 million children in the United States have a parent currently in the prison system. Explaining to your child or other children why their parent is in prison never becomes easier, and they’ll likely ask a lot of questions about their Mother or Fathers whereabouts. Others won’t talk about their experiences. To help children adjust, speak to them honestly and kindly. Image Source: Pexels Sending Letters and Drawings from Your … [Read more...]

How to Talk to Your Parents About Aging

As a busy mom, your focus is often on your children and their well-being. For years, this works fine, but we also reach a point where we have to look at the people who raised us and possibly start caring for them as well. Maybe your dad can't safely drive the way he used to, or perhaps your mom is showing signs of dementia or struggling with her mobility.   For those not ready to commit to long-term arrangements, exploring short-term senior … [Read more...]

Upgrades to Consider in Your Life

When you have a family, chances are you run a pretty tight ship when it comes to finances. Having kids isn’t cheap and the better you can manage your money, the more stable your home will be and the more cash you can put into savings or spend on fun non essentials for your little ones. But sometimes, many of us get caught into the trap of being too tight on our money. One thing that many of us do to save is to accept what we have and avoid … [Read more...]

Safety Tips for Memorial Weekend – A Time of High-Intensity Traffic

 Memorial Day is a solemn day set aside to remember, and honor, fallen members of our military. This significant day is marked by visits to cemeteries, memorials, and by colorful parades down Main Street. It also marks the start of the summer and the travel season with over 43 million people in America hitting the road.   Research shows that Americans are traveling by car during the Memorial Day holiday more than ever before; a whopping … [Read more...]

Food Addiction and 6 Most Addictive Foods You Should Know

Food addiction is as real as drug or alcohol addictions. In some cases, it may require therapy sessions or visiting support groups, which are integral parts of any addiction treatment.  Similar to cocaine addiction symptoms or any other drug addiction symptoms, food addiction is characterized by an inability to stop eating certain foods, even when you are already aware of the harm that they cause to your body. After all, food addiction may … [Read more...]

Looking After Your Disabled Loved One – What To Do

Looking after the people you love is a natural response, and you as a human have a built-in mechanism that makes you want to care for the things you care about. This instinct kicks into overdrive when someone dear to your heart is in distress and needs you. Now, you would do everything in your power to ensure that person is as comfortable as possible, and you would even be willing to sacrifice your own comfort to make that happen. This is a … [Read more...]

Ways to Remove Your Personal Number from the Internet

When you purchased your smartphone, you couldn’t wait to give out your number to all of your family and friends. But there may come a time when you want to keep your phone number private and remove your phone number from the Internet, keeping it out of the hands of everyone who can go online. This is especially true now, thanks to an ongoing scam called SIM Swapping.    Because newer smartphones have embedded SIM cards, hackers don’t need … [Read more...]