Throw a Spa Birthday Party for Tweens and Teens

Keeping track of your kid’s taste is like an olympic sport, and just like the olympics, kids have been changing their minds about what is and isn’t cool, on almost a daily basis, since the time of ancient Greece. At least it seems that way.  When we were kids, we all thought we would grow up to be the cool parent, the one that knows what’s hot and what’s not. Not quite. It turns out parenting is a little more complicated than that, and it’s … [Read more...]

Little Things You’re Doing Every Day That Increase Your Risk Of Pain

When you’re young, pain is a minor part of your life. You might occasionally scrape your knee or get an upset stomach but, for most of us, that’s about it.  Unsplash - CC0 License However, as you get older, you soon discover that pain is more of a companion than you’d like. It seems to creep up on you and, before you know it, you’re sighing everytime you get out of a chair.  Usually, though, it’s the little things that cause these types … [Read more...]

Home-Based Business Ideas To Start For Young Moms

Starting a business as a young mom is a milestone many can only dream of. Luckily, we’ll show you viable business ideas that have been tried and tested by other young moms. Moreover, we’ll tell you what it takes to develop a successful business from home and why that will make you a happier mom.   Fortunately, lenders are willing to finance women entrepreneurs by offering them grants and affordable business loans for women to enable them … [Read more...]

7 Things to Consider for Your Kitchen Renovation

Nothing is more exciting than updating a kitchen. After all, the kitchen is the heart of a home and often what most people see first when they walk into your home. If you are renovating your kitchen, you know it costs a pretty penny, but it can be challenging to know where to spend your money. You can do so many things to renovate and revamp your kitchen, but too many choices can be overwhelming. Many kitchen changes are for aesthetic purposes, … [Read more...]

The Pros and Cons of Online Schooling

Parents and students were forced to adjust to remote learning after the COVID-19 pandemic. While many schools have reopened, there are plenty of parents who decided to keep their children at home. Some students thrive in a remote setting while others need daily interaction with peers and teachers to feel their best.  School plays a fundamental role in the development of every child. In different countries, the way school functions tend to … [Read more...]

5 Medicines You Should Always Have on Hand

I don’t need to tell you that being a parent is a lot of work. However, it can be just a bit easier if you’re prepared for certain situations. With little kids, you’re going to find that you go to visit your medicine cabinet more often. From scrapes and bruises to the common cold, it’s important to have the right medicine on hand for any situation.   If you aren’t sure what kinds of over-the-counter medicines you should keep in your … [Read more...]

Is My Toddler Ready To Sleep In A Bed?

Some toddlers may sleep better in a crib up to the age of three, according to a study published by Reuters. However, official advice from is that anytime between 18 months and three years is the right time to move your child into a bed. This conflicting information may leave you scratching your head about what to do. But follow the below tips and you’ll be able to make the right decision for you and your youngster. What to look out … [Read more...]

Tips for Hosting a Kid-Friendly Holiday Party

The idea for a party for your young ones could sound like a wonderful plan, but you might wonder if you can pull it off. After all, the holidays are a time when germs are in the air and your plans could backfire and lead to sniffles for partygoers. With a few sensible precautions, though, you can let the kids have their fun, alleviate your concerns and throw a party that will spread holiday cheer. The first step is to boost everyone's … [Read more...]

History learning impacts students’ writing performances

Studying history is part of the curricula of every student. One might ask why it is so important to learn the history of the world, and more specifically, the history of your country. Or, which is the connection between learning history and writing skills. History is a vast domain where a lot of ideas meet.    You can learn about ancient history, the renaissance, World Wars, and many more. In order to pursue your education, knowing your … [Read more...]

How to Bring Preschool Learning Techniques into Your Parenting Approach

As a parent, you want your children to have the best chance at success when it comes to their learning and cognitive development, and that means continuing to foster their learning at all times.  Outside of school hours, there is always the confusion about how and what types of learning tasks to consider. That being said, it’s always best to start off by being committed and engaged in your child’s learning and working to develop a plan … [Read more...]