
Meet the Newest American Girl Doll Maryellen

Meet the Newest American Girl Doll Maryellen
Sample received. All opinions are my own.

American Girl has been a big part of our house the past couple years. So it was super exciting in the American Girl world when word got around that they were releasing a new BeForever doll, her name is Maryellen Larkin from 1954.

Maryellens eyes
Receiving Maryellen was such a exciting moment, she is so pretty from head to toe. She has gorgeous hazel color eyes that go perfectly with her strawberry blonde hair.

Strawberry Blonde hair
There are the perfect shades of red in her hair that just shine in the sunlight. Pulled back in a high pony with loose curls and bangs she has the 50’s hair styled perfectly.

Meet dress
Her meet clothes is a striped sundress with a robins egg blue ribbon accent trim.

Her crochet shrug sweater is perfectly made with her initial on the left side.

Mary Jane Shoes
Her shoes are a adorable black Mary Jane style shoe, and her hair is tied back with a matching ribbon. She also came with one of her books, that I can’t wait to dive into with my daughter.

without sweater
I personally think that the 50’s were one of the best decades for someone to grow up in. I love everything about the 50’s from the clothes to the music.

Maryellen is a great inspiration to girls everywhere, “I have a heart full of high-flying hopes and a head full of pie-in-the-sky ideas, even though they don’t all get off the ground. I guess real life isn’t like what you see on TV. But I know that if I stay true to who I am and what I believe, the sky’s the limit.”

“I follow my heart instead of the crowd”

American Girl has embarked on a new mission that is to empower girls everywhere. They encourage girls to unite together and support one another. American Girl is about inspiring and celebrating girls and helping them see not only their own strengths but others strengths as well. “We want to show girls that individually they are powerful-but, collectively, they are unstoppable!” Head over to to make your pledge today.

Pretty Maryellen
I am proud to have American Girl influencing my daughter, from what they stand for to their amazing quality in dolls. I think you can not go wrong with getting your girl an American Girl Doll.

Head over to and pick from the large selection of look a like dolls, historical dolls, or the doll of the year.


  1. Dollies4ever says

    Hi. Thanks for your informative review of Maryellen. I purchased my beautiful doll from American girl store. How long is you doll’s hair? It seems free dolls given as samples for review or giveaways have much longer hair than store dolls. Your dolls hair is almost waist-length without stretching curls. How long is it? Thanks

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