Best Practices for Running Insurance Eligibility Verification

Insurance eligibility verification is an important step in the healthcare revenue cycle. Prevention is better than cure, so confirming a patient’s active coverage before providing services can prevent expensive claim denials later on. However, verifying eligibility manually is a time-consuming process for billing staff. Automated software makes this important process much easier.

This article outlines best practices for improving insurance eligibility verification workflows using automation technology.

The Importance of Eligibility Checks

Before providing services, it is important to make sure that patients have appropriate coverage and that the details of the insurance are correct. This preliminary validation:

  • Averts unexpected claim denials
  • Reduces denial-related write-offs
  • Identifies patient liability early so they understand out-of-pocket costs

It also confirms active coverage, so you don’t have problems with non-covered services, exhausted benefits, and patient policy changes downstream.

Choosing Eligibility Verification Software

Automating eligibility checks requires capable software with specific features, including:

Detailed Eligibility Data

The solution should retrieve complete payer eligibility details like:

  • Active or terminated coverage
  • Patient responsibility (coinsurance, copays, deductibles)
  • Any limitations

Multiple Payers

The system should check eligibility for all key payers, including Medicare, Medicaid, and various HMOs. 

Real-Time Coverage Updates

If the member switches plans, adds dependents, exhausts benefits, etc, the software should automatically grab the eligibility updates from payers. So you can prevent claims of denials of out-of-date information.

Automating Manual Tasks

Eligibility software can replace verification, freeing up resources for more value-added tasks. Benefits include:

Coverage Changes Tracking

Such software can run automated periodic checks for all payers and update eligibility records automatically.

When eligibility changes are noticed, the software notifies the staff. Staff can take action immediately, not spending time on manual re-verifications.

Proactive Identification of Coverage Gaps

Automated checks identify eligibility changes like soon-to-terminate policies. Staff can address coverage gaps proactively.

Increased Staff Productivity

With more free time, billing teams can work on more complex tasks, like denial appeals, etc.

Keeping Accurate Records

Accurate record-keeping during insurance verification is crucial for proper medical billing.

Always update and review records promptly. Note the verification date, coverage details, and any changes from previous checks. Checking coverage upon admission or before appointments ensures you have the most current data from the insurance company.

Automated insurance eligibility software can help by keeping a history of previous verifications, making it easy to spot changes without extra manual work.

Patient Follow-Up

Regularly following up with patients ensures their insurance coverage matches the services they receive.

Significant changes in coverage might affect a patient’s care or admission status. Clarify new terms with the insurer if needed. 

Communicate early, inform patients about any changes that could impact their treatment access or financial responsibilities. Clear communication helps patients understand new financial obligations or service adjustments, assisting them in navigating their care journey.

The Path Forward

Mastering eligibility verification isn’t just an administrative task; it’s a vital part of effective healthcare management. From the initial collection of detailed patient insurance information to using various verification methods and keeping accurate records, every step is crucial for a smooth healthcare experience. 

Tools like automated software have transformed the insurance verification process, making it more efficient and reliable. The ultimate goal is clear: to close the gap between healthcare providers and insurance details, leading to better decisions, a smoother revenue cycle, and a stronger focus on patient care.

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