The Secret Benefits Of Waking Up With An Old Fashioned Alarm Clock

On some nights you drift effortlessly and naturally off to sleep, and wake up in the morning feeling on top of the world. Other times you toss and turn, get yourself a drink of water, try reading or working, and finally when you do get some sleep, it leaves you feeling disoriented, exhausted and irritable.

Sleep is one of the most mysterious of human activities. We have all been told that the body needs a certain amount of rest to rejuvenate and refresh itself after a day’s activity. Yet scientists have found that this is only part of the truth. Sleep is essential for the brain. It regulates emotions, consolidates learning and memory, boosts problem solving, making judgments and decision making. In terms of physical health, it conserves energy, increases immunity and activates growth hormones that can repair and reconstitute our tissues. 

In real terms, sleep takes up nearly one third of our adult lives, and considerably more in childhood. In objective terms, it puts us in a completely vulnerable state where we’re open to attack from predators. Yet it’s something that we actively want and feel distressed when we don’t get enough. Lack of sleep affects your mood, thinking and mental and physical performance. Experiments have shown that animals can die when they don’t sleep, and humans are at a similar risk in the long run. 

Sleep is thought to be the way in which our systems repair the damage done by the metabolic processes that keep us alive. It is necessary for us to reconfigure the neural networks in the brain so that we can consolidate memory and learning, and also process the millions of sensory inputs we have received during our waking hours. 

Scientists have also observed that as we age, we seem to need less sleep. They also discovered that larger animals need less sleep than smaller ones. 

Now that we’ve established the importance of sleep, let’s look at the process of waking up. Studies have been done on sleep and waking cycles that are triggered by neurochemicals being released in the brain. Melatonin is one of the hormones that is released prior to your “feeling sleepy.” Sleep cycles are also determined by the presence or absence of light. When you wake up, another hormone cortisol is released and that signals a rush of energy to break your sleep. 

An important component of waking up is the brain’s Reticular Activation System (RAS). located just above the spinal cord, it functions as a screen or sentry that regulates the information flow into the brain. It can be activated by external or internal signals, and this wakes up the brain, but your body needs a little more time to become fully alert till all the chemicals are removed by your bloodstream. 

This brings us to the ways in which we can wake up. Some people can “psych” themselves into waking up at a particular time, for others it’s a well established habit. A great many people need a wake-up aid such as an alarm, or someone designated to give them a call. We each choose what works best for us. Often we use different aids at different times. For instance if you have a flight to catch, you will ensure that it’s a wake up alarm because you can’t trust the habit. 

Some prefer a gentle melody, others want a rock band, bird sounds, a  favorite radio station switching on automatically or just a simple loud bell sound that doesn’t have a snooze button. 

Waking Up With A Mobile Phone Alarm

These days when your smartphone is an all-in-one device that you can’t move a step without, it’s no surprise that it functions as your wake up alarm too. The phone is perennially positioned on your bedside table, night-stand, or under your pillow. 

It’s convenient, you can set an automatic alarm for whatever times of the day or night you want, and as long as the phone doesn’t run out of charge, it’s reliable. It is simple and easy for anyone to use, whether you’re a teen, senior, or person with a disability. Since the display is digital, it’s easy and quick to read. You can set the alarm to a melody or signal of your choice. 

The problem is that studies have shown that having a phone at your bedside can be harmful to say the least. It disrupts your sleep, reduces the quality and quantity of sleep, and the device emits a constant stream of radiation that may interfere or be harmful. In rare instances, the phone has posed a fire risk. But more insidiously, we are certainly hooked to our phones. It’s probably the first thing you look at in the morning and the last thing before you fall asleep. 

Constant notifications can ramp up anxiety levels and prevent you from getting a full night’s rest. And here’s something that anyone who uses a phone alarm can relate to – it’s all too easy to hit the snooze button multiple times and grab a few extra minutes of shut-eye. That means you miss eating breakfast, you could miss your morning exercise and your bus or train to work. 

Opt For An Old Fashioned Alarm Clock

They are all the rage right now! Trends have circled back completely and today, bedside alarm clocks are one of the hottest selling products in the wellness and self care sector. For a super selection, see the Rest and Digest website. You can treat yourself to one, or get a charming alarm clock as a gift for a friend or loved one. It’s a great investment in wellness and self care. 

The biggest advantage is that you get a much better sleep experience. You can safely leave your phone in another room and avoid scrolling mindlessly before or after sleeping. There’s no blue light being emitted from the screen that can interfere with your rest and disturb your sleep cycle. 

Apart from scrolling, having a phone near at hand is a huge temptation to check social media, your mail, the stock market or the news. All these are anxiety-inducing elements that can prevent you from winding down to sleep. 

If it’s crucial that you wake at a particular time, you need to ensure that your phone doesn’t run out of juice at night. With an alarm clock, you don’t have to worry about this. It also means that you can put your phone on “silent” or “Do Not Disturb” while you grab your 8 hours. 

Investing in a cute, old fashioned alarm clock is a smart move and you will find yourself better poised to tackle what the day brings. 

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