Top 8 Maintenance Tips For Efficient Water Heater Performance 

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to keep your water heater in top shape by staying on top of maintenance. Regular water heater maintenance will ensure optimal performance, energy efficiency, and a longer lifespan. Today, Neighborhood Plumbing provides 8 tips on common issues for water heater maintenance.  

  • Flush Your Water Heater 

Over time, sediment builds up at the bottom of your water heater tank, reducing efficiency and shortening its lifespan. To prevent this, flush your experienced water heater in Pittsburgh at least once a year. Here’s how to flush your water heater in Pittsburgh: 

  • Turn off the water supply to the heater and the gas or electrical supply. 
  • Attach a garden hose to the drain valve and lead it to a drain. 
  • Open the drain valve and wait for the tank to empty completely. 
  • Once the tank is empty, close the drain valve and turn on the water supply slowly. 
  • Open a hot water tap to bleed any trapped air, and wait until clear water runs from the hose. 
  • Close the hot water tap and turn on the gas or electrical supply. 


  • Test the Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve 

This safety feature releases pressure if it gets too high. Here’s how to test it: 

  • Locate the temperature-pressure relief valve on top of your water heater. It typically has a lever. 
  • Lift the lever and hold it for a few seconds. You should hear water discharge. 
  • If the valve leaks continuously, even when you release the lever, it needs to be replaced by a qualified water heater expert in Pittsburgh.


  • Test the Thermostat 

Just like the other components of your water heater, the thermostat can malfunction for a number of reasons. A faulty thermostat can lead to scalding hot water or lukewarm showers. Test the temperature with a thermometer and compare it with the thermostat setting to see if the thermostat is in good working order. 


  • Install Insulation 

If you have a storage tank water heater, consider wrapping the tank with an insulation blanket to reduce heat loss and energy consumption. Our plumbers recommend insulation blankets with an R-value of at least 40. 


  • Set the Optimal Temperature 

The best temperature setting for a water heater is typically around 120°F – 140°F to balance hot water needs with energy savings and scald prevention. 


  • Inspect the Anode Rod Regularly 

Traditional storage tank water heaters are equipped with an anode rod, whose purpose is to protect the tank from corrosion. It’s advisable to inspect this long metal rod every 2-3 years and replace it when worn down. 


  • Clean the Burner Assembly 

Over time, dust and other debris can build up on the burner assembly and compromise the functionality of your water heater. A compromised burner assembly can result in longer heating times and energy waste. Make sure you inspect the burner regularly and clean it as needed. For gas water heaters, turn off the gas supply before cleaning the burner. 


  • Schedule a Professional Inspection 

Regular professional inspections (every 3-5 years) can identify potential problems early on and ensure your water heater is operating safely and efficiently. 


Call Neighborhood Plumbing for Professional Water Heater Services 

Perhaps you’re looking to switch from a traditional storage tank water heater to a tankless model to save on heating bills, or maybe your water heater in Pittsburgh is in disrepair. Whatever your needs are, Neighborhood Plumbing is here to help. We are a reputable plumbing company with over 10 years of hands-on experience. You can count on our knowledgeable and experienced plumbers when it comes to water heater installation, repair, and replacement. 

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