Growth Mindset: the benefits for your children 

You have likely heard the term ‘growth mindset’, but perhaps you do not have a clue what it is and the impact it can have on your children. This article will give you a basic understanding of the concept as well as some of the fantastic benefits it can have on children (and adults too!). 

What is Growth Mindset? 

Professor Carol Dweck coined this phrase with reference to people’s ideas about intelligence and cognitive development and achievement. A growth mindset is the opposite of a fixed mindset. Essentially, many people assume they are destined to achieve a certain level, and there is nothing they can do to change this. This equates to a fixed mindset. Conversely, a growth mindset challenges this with the understanding that failure is not permanent and can actually be a learning opportunity. Trying new things and pushing traditional boundaries can lead to a brighter future. 

What are the benefits for children? 

Improved self-esteem 

Children whose self-esteem has taken a knock can be challenging to motivate and have a poor sense of their own worth. They feel that their position in society has already been decided for them. A growth mindset can improve this by encouraging children to see that one setback does not dictate the path for the rest of their life.  


Many adults struggle with the ability to be optimistic. Pessimism can kill hope. Supporting children to see tasks and their future with a considerable helping of optimism can open opportunities for them. Believing that things are not set in stone and that they can do far more than they originally believed are vital. 

Perseverance and resilience 

The ability to stick at something and keep trying, regardless of barriers, is something that is encouraged through social emotional learning in the classroom. However, it is an incredibly useful skill for home and future life too. It is easy to give up and accept failure, but this teaches little and actually leads to a despondent attitude, which will do no one any favors. Perseverance and resilience are essential qualities for a fulfilled life. 


Unhappiness in children is difficult to see. A child going from feeling carefree to suddenly seeming to have the weight of the world on their shoulders is something no parent ever wants to see. Encouraging a shift from a fixed to a growth mindset can make a huge difference in terms of happiness. Being more content with the way in which situations are viewed may impact enormously on their mental wellbeing. 


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being shy. However, having a certain level of confidence can be useful too. It can be all that is needed to set foot inside an unknown building, to put pen to paper or to speak up when something is not quite right. A lack thereof can make a child feel that they have missed opportunities to justify their own actions or opinions, and it is easy to have a sense of being trampled on by others. 

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