No parent out there is perfect, but there is proof that certain living conditions, rules, behaviors, etc. can mold a child into a specific type of adult. It’s the old nature vs. nurture debate, and it will never be solved. However, over the years, many parents have gotten on board with certain myths that simply don’t have a leg to stand on. No matter how old your child may be, if you are a parent, here are six myths you need to get over today in order to raise your child right.
Myth #1: Divorce is bad for a child.
No. It. Is. Not. In fact, studies have shown that children who grow up in unloving homes with parents who fight often end up having a harder time bonding with others, can turn to drug/alcohol abuse, and more. If you are in a relationship that is unhealthy in any way, and you are staying simply for the kids, you’re not doing the right thing. According to Hand Law DV Lawyers, “Far too many couples wait to get divorced, and it just makes it worse, not only on each other or children emotionally, but on the entire process. Sometimes, going through with the actual divorce is more painless than staying in the marriage.”
Myth #2: Everything must be organic.
While organic foods definitely have plenty of benefits, it’s not a must-have for your child to grow up healthy or to be successful. In fact, if you questioned a handful of CEOs and C-Suite executives about their diet as children, most of them probably snacked on chicken nuggets, candy, potato chips, and whatever else was available at the moment. If you don’t want to feed your child organic food—or if you simply can’t afford to—there’s no harm in that. You are not a bad parent, and your child will not be at a disadvantage because of it.
Myth #3: Breast is best.
Breast vs. bottle is a wildly debated topic, but the truth is, as long as your baby is being fed properly, it doesn’t matter if you decide to breast feed or bottle feed. It’s entirely up to you and what you prefer to do. Some women prefer breast feeding while others don’t. And some women who had every intention of breast feeding simply can’t, or their milk supply might be in need of supplements that boost lactation, to match their babies needs.
Myth #4: Screen time is bad.
In today’s technology-driven world, it’s likely your two year old will know how to use a computer better than you. And that’s a good thing! Children today have access to technology you never did, and it’s good for them to understand how to use it because it’s not going anywhere. If you monitor your child’s screen time and the content they watch, screen time can be good for children. There are plenty of developmental apps and TV shows that are focused on teaching children things, and that’s an advantage you should consider giving your child.
Myth #5: You shouldn’t spoil your child.
Are there children out there who have been spoiled and have turned into brats? Of course. But are there children who have been spoiled and are still decent human beings? Yes. While society may judge you for spoiling your children, it’s also about balance and teaching them how to properly act. If you have the means to spoil your child and you actually want to, then go ahead. Just make sure that you’re also teaching them important life lessons, such as how to use their manners.
Myth #6: You’re a bad parent.
This is by far the biggest myth out there. No parent is perfect. Chances are you probably look at someone who seems like they have it all together, and deep down they don’t. Do not judge your parenting based on how you perceive other parents. It’s not fair to you and it’s not fair to your child. If you are giving your child everything you can, teaching them, and simply being there for them, then you are a great parent.
Parenting is very hard, and the last thing you need to do is question your ability to parent successfully. Every parent will have good days and bad days. Just remember that you are the world to your child, and it’s up to you to build that relationship positively.
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