Wellness in a Wacky World: Modern Mini-Meditations for Stressed Out Moms

Wellness in a Wacky World: Modern Mini-Meditations for Stressed Out Moms

New moms may well be the people most likely to feel overstressed, and the least likely to do a darn thing about it. Although the rewards of motherhood are many, the demands put upon mothers are also mighty. Unfortunately, some moms feel that taking time for themselves is not allowed. If you’re a stressed-out mom, there are a number of techniques that can calm you. Mediation is one of the best. In the interest of parental serenity, we are pleased to present a few mini-meditations you can try today.

What is stress, and what causes it?

Stress is a perfectly natural reaction to certain situations. Once in awhile, stress may save your life. When your brain feels a threat coming on, the body’s flight-or-fight reaction can be useful. One the whole, however, stress is an overreaction that takes its toll on human happiness. If your body and brain don’t quickly recover from the hormones and feelings of stress, you ought to do something about it.

Typical causes of stress include falling in love, getting married, and having a baby. That’s right. Positive events also can be more than a bit stressful. Identifying the factors that lead to stress is an important step along the road to a happy, stress-free life, say tension experts at Mayo Clinic.

How to manage stress levels

Daily meditation and regular exercise can go a long way toward stress reduction in anyone’s life. Overworked moms may especially benefit from modalities such as massage, tai chi, yoga and meditation. Even a ten-minute mini meditation can be entirely beneficial, say parenting pros at P&G Everyday magazine. Stressed out moms can pause for 15-30 minutes, incorporate breathing and healing with gemstones for a quick boost of their mood and reduce stress. Drawing and coloring mandalas and other geometric patterns may also help to manage stress in everyone from new moms and seasoned grandmas.

Incorporate art into a healthful lifestyle, and reap the benefits of creative stress reduction. If you haven’t time to set up and easel and paint a masterpiece, download a free Coloring Book for Me & Mandala app from Google Play. Instead of reaching for a cookie or a cigarette, open the app and color a tranquil mandala, a pretty nature scene, a floral pattern or other exquisite illustration.

The nature of things

Take a walk in nature, or close your eyes and listen to music for ten minutes. Sing loud while you vacuum the house. Dance while you dust or do dishes. Find your bliss and follow it every day, no matter how jam-packed your parenting schedule. Be mindful of everything you do, and notice the little details. When you take a shower, forget the shopping list and focus on the feeling of warm water and the soothing scent of your favorite soap and shampoo. When you eat, turn off the TV and concentrate on the nourishment you are receiving.

Being a mom in the 21st century is a beautiful experience fraught with challenges. Learn to see the excellence in every moment, and don’t let the world get you down. Raising a child is a first-class task, and you are up for the job.

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