My Children’s Ideas On How to End Child Hunger | #FightHungerTogether

My Children’s Ideas On How to End Child Hunger | #FightHungerTogether
Thank you to Conagra for sponsoring today’s conversation. All opinions are my own.

My children have lived a spoiled sheltered life up until now. They have never missed a meal or a snack and had no clue that any child would.

So when I sat them down to talk to them about Child Hunger, they were surprised at what I had to say.


After explaining to them that 1 in 5 kids, or 16 million children in America are not getting the food they need we talked about what we could do as a family to help.

Both of them instantly suggested we buy food to share. But what kind?

After brainstorming a few ideas (and redirecting them when they suggested maybe the kids would like Peeps or jelly beans) they decided that peanut butter was a tasty and nutricious food to share. My kids like to eat it on sandwiches, but they also like to dip apples or pretzels in it for snack time and they were positive lots of other children would, too.


For more than 20 years, ConAgra Foods and the ConAgra Foods Foundation have been committed to fighting child hunger in America, donating food and investing in partnerships to find solutions that are within reach. With their guidance I was able to harness my children’s energy, creativity and selflessness to help tackle this issue in our community.


My children eagerly filled the cart while talking about how another child could eat this with their lunch, dinner or evening snack.

That’s the idea ConAgra Foods and the ConAgra Foods Foundation had … harnessing the power of youth to tackle this issue in neighborhoods across the country.


Solving child hunger isn’t something we can do alone! Every little bit we can do makes an impact.


One easy way to get involved is to look for the red pushpin and locate the code found on specially marked ConAgra Foods products. For each 8-digit code entered at from March-August 2015, ConAgra Foods will donate the monetary equivalent of one meal to Feeding America, up to 3 million meals.

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Discover more about ConAgra Foods’ approach to fighting child hunger at and visit for more inspirational community project ideas.

Take a look at the impact Soul Pancake & Conagra Foods made on just a few children. Listen to what kids thought about the issue and ways we all might be able to help.

After all, kids bring energy, innovation and great ideas that will help create a better future!

Tell us how you and your family are fighting child hunger in your community using the #FightHungerTogether hashtag on Twitter!



  1. courtney b says

    wow what thoughtful amazing kids. looks like their mama taught them well- and your little girl is getting SO big.. omg ::)

  2. nicole dziedzic says

    What a huge impact this is going to make on others! Awesome way to get the kids involved in something so important.

  3. rochelle haynes says

    This is nice great idea

  4. shelly peterson says

    What a great thing to teach children. I love that they put so much thought into it. I will have to remember to look for the food with the pushpins on it when I am shopping.

  5. Dawn Monzu says

    This is SUCH a great thing to teach our children! My daughter and son had a special Koolaid stand when they were little. All of the money went to the Children’s Hospital in Nebraska. It was actually their idea! Kids are so giving, if we let them be!

  6. Sarah L says

    Teach your children well… I volunteer at a food bank twice a month.

  7. Lici Lee says

    I love to see when kids get involved with worldwide issues. They appreciate so much when they realise they have so much and can help other kids. Great Job!!!

  8. Rebecca Parsons says

    Ever since I was young Childhood hunger has been a part of my life. I grew up poor and I guess in a matter of speaking hungry. I now love to give back to any program who does this.

  9. Richard Hicks says

    Good for your kids. They are doing something so important to help others

  10. Maria C says

    Everyone must do something even little things to fight hunger. No wasting of food must be teach to our children.

  11. Lesley F says

    I love that you sat down with your kids and how they helped

  12. ConAgra makes it so easy to help. We need t start doing this, too. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. David Fultner says

    I love peanutbutter. These are some smart kids.

  14. Your kids are still young, so I think it is great you waited to talk about childhood hunger with them until recently. It is such a serious topic but still very important to discuss and help with.

  15. courtney b says

    such a important cause. I’m not currently helping but I plan to by donating food to the childrens shelter here.

    thanks for making the cause known! 🙂

  16. Elena says

    This is such a great cause to support

  17. I hate the thought of any child being hungry.

  18. Holly Thomas says

    I donate to our local food pantry.

  19. Nancy says

    Bravo! We all need to realize that there are things everyone can do to combat hunger.

  20. Betsy Barnes says

    I love when companies give back and allow for ways for us to get involved. It is a great way to teach our kids too! 🙂

  21. Dana Rodriguez says

    You have some great kids! It is so important to teach your children about important things like hunger.

  22. Richard Hicks says

    Wonderful to get the kids involved with something like this!

  23. This is a great idea. We will have to look through our food packages to see what has the Con-Agra codes on them. We will definitely participate in this. We also try and get some foods to donate to our local food pantry to help out also.

  24. lovely idea, my geandson LOVES pb and knows others do also

  25. DD says

    This is a great idea and a wonderful cause!

  26. Susan Smith says

    Everyone should do something even little things to fight hunger. It’s nice to see your children doing their part.

  27. We live in a very small village. Most of the people here are farmers, mostly on social security. We will donate PB to the food shelf next time, thanks for the suggestion. It will feed several meals-snacks.

  28. Sandra Watts says

    The food banks around here always could use extra help. My son currently helps at the food bank and church helping with breakfasts and dinners.

  29. Peanut butter is the perfect choice as it is sometimes called the poor man’s protein

  30. Richard Hicks says

    Good cause for the kids to be involved in!

  31. Dee Lafrenz says

    I love peanut butter, and so do most people. I will be giving this to our food pantry from now on. They have drives here, mostly in the winter, thanks for the idea.

  32. Marti Tabora says

    Every little bit does make an impact and you have wonderful kids.

  33. courtney b says

    these seem like educated kids! 🙂

    great posts. I love how you try to bring awareness to important topics like you do on your blog ! !

    thank you for all you do! xoxoxxo

  34. Kayte CookWatts says

    I think what you are doing is SO important. The values and compassion you are teaching them now will carry them through life. My parents did the same with us and the memories are strong and guide me today!

  35. Robin W says

    It breaks my heart to think of anyone going hungry…especially in this country where we tend to waste so much food. What a great program and I am so glad that you shared it with us.

  36. Cindy Merrill says

    Dandelions- did you know these are edible? Recipes abound all over the internet. Please ask neighbors not to use weedkiller to get rid of dandelions.

  37. Keara B. says

    Your kids are so thoughtful. 🙂 My daughter is only 3, but we’re working on helping her understand how important it is to help others. Thanks for sharing this important post- I’ll look for the ConAgra foods with the red pushpin!

  38. Barbara Montag says

    I volunteer at our food shelf and yes there is big need!
    I”m so happy to see posts like this.

  39. amanda roach says

    i love when i see parents teaching kids to do good things like this.

  40. Cynthia C says

    This is so important. I’m so happy the kids are getting involved.

  41. Barbara Montag says

    I’m always happy to see posts like this.
    I volunteer at our food shelf and see the increasing need for clients.

  42. David Fultner says

    Smart Kids. i love Jiff peanutbutter.

  43. PuffyBiggles says

    Thank God for food banks. Thanks for sharing!

  44. That is so awesome you got your children involved. It is good to teach them when they are young.

  45. Richard Hicks says

    Great way to get the little ones involved in something so important

  46. Birdiebee says

    This is great that your children are aware that there is child hunger going on everywhere. I love their idea of peanut butter.

  47. Betsy Barnes says

    Since our son was little, we always included him in helping us donate food and volunteer at our local food bank. He is 22 and still helps there once a week. It is very important children learn early the importance of giving back in their communities 🙂

  48. Betsy Barnes says

    Since our son was little, we always included him in helping us donate food and volunteer at our local food bank. He is 22 and still helps there once a week. It is very important children learn early the importance of giving back in their communities! 🙂

  49. We do give as much as we can to help others. I do agree everyone likes PB. Thank you for the heads up about what to donate next time.

  50. Pam H. says

    I have my children help me collect food for our local shelter.

  51. rochelle haynes says

    This is a nice thing to do

  52. elizabeth marie says

    this is so great to start them out younger with something that will go on for a lifetime, both for them and the appreciation for those that they can help.

  53. Karen Glatt says

    Peanut butter is such a good food item to give to food pantries to help others get the healthy nutrition that they need. I have given to the food bank, and I gave just this month with a food drive in my neighborhood, peanut butter and tuna!

  54. Sarah Matos says

    I love that you didnt just talk with them but you let them help fight hunger!

  55. courtney b says

    I swear you should be president sometimes lol you have the best ideas 🙂

    keep them coming! xoxoxo

  56. mycraftingworld says

    I love the Conagra program. I support it with purchases and donations.

  57. courtney b says

    sounds like your kids have amazing ideas just like their mommy !:) I can’t wait till when they start a blog to put all their ideas on the net!!!

    thank you for all you do! xoxoxo

  58. What a wonderful way to teach kids to help others. They are taught on TV and in schools way too often it is all about ME. They also need to learn about giving and helping those who are in need.

  59. No child should go hungry! In our country more should help, and teach children to help!

  60. polly says

    This is an awesome way to get your kids involved and learning what other families go through!

  61. Buddy Garrett says

    I like the idea of getting your kids involved in the campaign to end childhood hunger. I never thought about it. I had always contributed to our church’s food pantry and the postal service food drivs.

  62. Pam H. says

    My children help me collect food for our local food shelter.

  63. amanda roach says

    love when i see parents teaching their kids this

  64. Susan Smith says

    I love when companies give back and allow for ways for us to get involved. It’s important to teach our children about helping others.

  65. Rosanne Morrison says

    Teaching them good values to think outside of themselves

  66. Richard Hicks says

    I wish more parents would get their kids involved like this

  67. James Robert says

    I am just learning about this and will make sure to look and enter the codes for these products. Thanks for the info

  68. Nancy says

    It is important for kids to learn how to share and give.

  69. CR Williams says

    This is always a concern of mine, making sure my kids have enough to eat daily.

  70. Kim Kessler says

    This is something great for kids to learn at a young age, how to help and that other need help!

  71. Richard Hicks says

    Wish more people had this spirit

  72. Linda Szymoniak says

    Our local grocery always has a box for donating food products to the local food bank – not just at holiday time like some places do. I try to buy extras when I can and put them in the box. Peanut butter is actually a great item to donate – it is reasonably priced, stores well, and I know that most people like it (unless they have a peanut allergy).

  73. Kayley says

    What a wonderful thing to do! I also agree peanut butter is a great food to donate, considering its nutritional value. It’s good for pretty much anyone who doesn’t have a nut allergy. Sunbutter might be another option, although it’s a little pricier.

  74. Maria C says

    Such an amazing campaign, great cause. I will support this & share with my family & friends. Thanks for sharing this wonderful information

  75. Neal Trautloff says

    That is really cool! And thoughtful

  76. Sherri says

    thank you for the heads up on this campaign. It takes so little to make an impact, especially if everyone works together!

  77. Stephanie says

    peanut butter is great 🙂 love it although i enjoy jelly more that is such a great idea to donate them

  78. Jordan says

    Awesome idea! I really like peanut butter!

  79. Dayna says

    Parenting done right!

  80. carolina says

    Amazing children, starting to teach kids compassion since an early age will help make them responsible adults.

  81. B.W. says

    This is way more effective then simply telling a child “eat all your food, there are starving children.” Also, it helps instill a sense of empathy in them at a young age 🙂

  82. Karen Glatt says

    We think that our local food bank is such a great place to donate food, especially peanut butter. They had peanut butter at my store marked down and still had a long expiration date for $1. My sister and I bought some and took them to the food bank. I did this because this post inspired me to help out!

  83. Rosie says

    wow – you really made it real to them! and I got a chuckle out of their idea of peeps and jelly beans, but our food pantries do always want more peanut butter & jelly!

  84. Nicole Dziedzic says

    Great way to get the kids involved in the importance of giving back, this is fantastic!

  85. Awesome way to get the kids involved and by the way those are awesome pictures of your kids!

  86. Ashley C says

    Your children are amazing and thoughtful! You are doing a great job as a mom! I can only hope when my kids are that age, that their values will shine through as well. I wasn’t aware of the Con Agra campaign, and we will have to participate!

  87. Wendy Bloink says

    Love the fact your children are helping to end hunger

  88. June S. says

    I think that this is a great thing to teach kids about now days. When my three brothers and I were younger our parents always told us that you should never waste food, only take what you are going to eat. They always said there are children in this world who do not even get one meal a day.

  89. June S. says

    P.S. It just breaks my heart when I see how much food people waste on their plates at places like Golden Corral, and other all you can eat places. Shame on them!

  90. Kambrea says

    I think it is great that you are teaching your kids to get involved and to help. We do food drives here and I involve the kids. Before my husband had gotten laid off we always did a lot for Toys for Tots and Angel Trees. WE have had to pare back some now, but it is always important to help others.

  91. Cynthia C says

    It’s so important to teach our kids to be kind and thoughtful toward others.

  92. Barbara Montag says

    I volunteer at our food shelf and so see the need for these programs!

  93. Stephanie says

    gonna share this in a group i am 🙂

  94. Nicole Dziedzic says

    Always great to get the kids and family in giving back to those in need. Teaches them so much!

  95. DARLA KIDDER says

    Our church runs a food pantry and you won’t believe what we get donated from trucking companies.

  96. G K says

    Great idea getting your kids involved. It’s sad to think about millions of children going hungry especially when so much food is wasted everyday. It’s why I like places like Panera that donate any food leftover to food banks.

  97. Donna Jacoby says

    This is a wonderful idea! Now I know what to look for on the packaging to do my part. Thank you for sharing!

  98. Lisa says

    Awesome idea, and what sweet kids you have!

  99. Margot C says

    We bring stuff (real stuff that they can actually use) to the food bank every single month.

  100. bn100 says

    nice way to teach kids this lesson

  101. Stephanie says

    so wonderful to see kids helping out 🙂

  102. Schindler says

    Your kids are great!

  103. Melinda Stephens says

    I love seeing kids get involved in things like this. My son is too young to understand, but he helps me pack up food to take to the food bank a couple times a year.

  104. Buddy Garrett says

    I think it is great to get children involved in the ending childhood hunger. They need to be made aware of the problem.

  105. I would like to thank you and wish you blessings for getting involved in this very crucial operation.

  106. kathy dalton says

    Its awesome that you are getting the kids involved with this!

  107. Richard Hicks says

    Super for the kids getting involved

  108. I am going to be helping out in this very crucial matter and I thank you for the information.

  109. courtney b says

    I love how involved you are !:) kids and hunger are such important topics!!!

    thanks for sharing!

  110. I would like to thank you for all that you are doing, everyone who helps makes it just a little bit easier.

  111. I appreciate all the tips and pointers you share. I look forward to blogging with you in the future.

  112. Elizabeth H. says

    Love all the ideas you give. Looking forward to more blogs from you!!

  113. Pam H. says

    Our church has a monthly collection for the local homeless shelter, which the kids help me collect for.

  114. denise says

    I think it’s great that you are teaching your kids how to be good citizens. I don’t think that not missing a meal makes them spoiled though.

  115. Victoria says

    Thanks so much for the signal boost about ConAgra food products! I had no idea they had codes I could submit to help donate to Feeding America food banks. This genuinely seems like a great and easy way to get involved, especially for someone who can’t just effortlessly pull money out of their wallet to help. (no matter how much they’d like to) Needless to say, I’m happy to join the movement as of right now, and from what I can see from the site, many others already have as well. Three million is the goal, and we’re nearly at two! Anyway, thanks again.

  116. I would like to thank you for all you are doing for great causes such as this.

  117. Elisabeth says

    Good call on the peanut butter since it’ll give you tons of meals!

  118. Rust says

    Wonderful to have children involved in helping others.

  119. Jennifer Boehme says

    My county has a backpack program for the kids now. The kids get a backpack of food, and on the weekend they take one home with food, and bring it back on Monday. The food pantries here are useless. I wish someone would show them how to search for sponsors or where to ask for help from which stores.

  120. Richard Hicks says

    Best life lessons ever for little ones.

  121. Great, teachable moment!

  122. Jenn H says

    its so important to allow our children to learn about others needs at a young age. it gives them the ability to be thankful for whatt hey have and be gracious when they have the opportunity.

  123. Nicole Dziedzic says

    It is so awesome to get the young kids involved in this early on, great way to teach them the importance of giving back.

  124. Jess says

    This is a wonderful thing to do with your children.

  125. laurie murley says

    this is a great thing they do to help others that is not as fortuntate as others, my thanks goes out to this company

  126. Richard Hicks says

    SUper cause and super learning experiencee for the kids

  127. Laurie Emerson says

    Your children are simply amazing and I love how you have taught them to reach out and think of others less fortunate. They are going to become wonderful adults.

  128. I hope everyone gets the message. Thanks for your integrity.

  129. Jennifer Rogers says

    Food Hunger in the Summer when students cant get school meals is real! In our small rural school in East Texas we started a Summer Lunch program that busses out school lunches to specific sites that students can come to to get Summer lunches that also provides many snacks and extras on Friday to help with weekends! It is awesome!

  130. Karen Glatt says

    Peanut butter is a good food staple to give to the food bank to help with fighting hunger in my community. We need to think of others that go to bed hungry, and try to help them in some way. Giving peanut butter is such a good idea!

  131. Penni says

    So great to see that your kids have so much compassion for others who are less fortunate!

  132. Jenn says

    I love this post. What a great experience.

  133. Michele P says

    unfortunately childhood hunger is a fact of life here in the States and abroad. And one should never have to see a child deprived of basic necessities, but working in a non profit I do on a daily basis. I think it is important to support causes like this, and make our children aware that they are very lucky for what they DO have, and that there are those that don’t eat 3 meals daily, but we can try to support them through our efforts. I usually shop smart so donate regularly to causes as this.

  134. Karen Glatt says

    I give to my local food bank when I can, and I think peanut butter is a good non perishable item to give because it has a long shelf life and it is filling.

  135. Melissa S says

    It is wonderful that you are getting your children involved at such a young age. Children learn by watching their parents, you are teaching important lessons.

  136. I love to donate! Giving back is always so rewarding. I must admit that I too experienced childhood hunger a few times when I was younger. And it is so good to get kids involved.

  137. Pamela Gurganus says

    This was a really great read. I admire you for taking the time to discuss child hunger with your children. I really appreciate you sharing the information about ConAgra and I’m going to make a more conscious effort to buy their foods to help out. Thank you for sharing.

  138. Lyndsey says

    Jiff is our fave at our house!

  139. Debbie Welchert says

    It’s so wonderful Conagra has this program. It’s also wonderful that you are teaching your children to being kind and caring individuals.

  140. Betty says

    Great program and I appreciate the concept that we need to include our children in our charitable efforts.

  141. Betty says

    We have had different scout groups focus on collecting food items for local food pantries in our area. It’s great for kids to hear about situations and learn that all of us can help make life better in different ways

  142. Dandi D says

    That is great to hear–we have been trying to teach this concept to our son.

  143. David Fultner says

    I love peanut-butter too. Great kids.

  144. Sandy Cain says

    This is wonderful. It’s SO important to teach our kids, from an early age, that there are people we can help. The gift of service to others is one that comes back again and again. Super kids!

  145. Amy Orvin says

    I know that you are truly proud of your children. That was so sweet of them wanting to help. I know that made them feel good about themselves. It’s always great to help others and you always get many blessings back too. Great going, guys!

  146. Elena says

    It’s so important to teach kids to give.

  147. Karen Glatt says

    What a great way to help others! Peanut butter is so healthy and great to give to the food bank!

  148. Birdiebee says

    I think this is a great idea to get kids involved in helping those that are hungry and need food.

  149. Birdiebee says

    This is so awesome. A retired teacher’s group that I go to lunch with has everyone bring a jar of peanut butter every month so that they can be donated to the food bank.

  150. Birdiebee says

    I wish more people would get their kids involved in “fighting hunger”. In addition, I wish more people would donate to their locale food banks to feed those that are hungry in their own communities.

  151. Rebecca Kellerman says

    Your kids sound so sweet. It’s great to get kids involved in these sorts of projects.

  152. Anne says

    Good for you for helping your children learn about how other children are hungry and how they can help. They look so sweet and earnest selecting the peanut butter. It’s a lesson that will surely stay with them. And thanks for the heads-up about the ConAgra promotion I’ll start looking for those codes so I can do my part, too.

  153. Adriane says

    Wonderful showing your kids they can make a difference, and that as a society we have to hold out a hand to those in need 🙂

  154. paula s says

    Thank you for teaching your kids to help others. I do this often with my daughter also.

  155. Melissa S says

    It is wonderful what you are teaching your children about giving to your community.

  156. CR Williams says

    This is wonderful you are doing this with your children!

  157. laurie murley says

    it just kills me to think of chidren going hungry, I try to buy as much of their products, and put them in the website

  158. I would like to thank you so much for your involvement in this ongoing effort. I recommend you as an advocate, and I try to do what I can to help out with this great cause.

  159. rochelle haynes says

    This is nice fro them to do

  160. Cynthia C says

    This is the way to raise thoughtful, kind children.

  161. Cynthia R says

    Good choice on the peanut butter and I love how you involved your kids.

  162. courtney b says

    I love that you blog about great ideas and great causes.

    your blog really stands up for a whole bunch of issues!

  163. Your kids are the sweetest! If every single family did this, think of how many children would be helped?! Great job, Mom!

  164. Maria C says

    Such a great campaign to support & let our family, relatives, friends etc to be part of it

  165. Sandy Weinstein says

    great campaign, how thoughtful of your children to suggest this. i dont donate to the local food people food bank, but to the local pet food bank, so people dont have to give up their pets. i do this on a regular basis.

  166. Sandy Weinstein says

    really great idea, your kids are wonderful for thinking of this since they have never known what it is to be without. great campaign. i donate to the local pet food bank on a regular basis. my mom was involved with the local group that took food to elderly people, even though she was elderly, when she could still drive.

  167. Maria C says

    a very great campaign with a great cause…I always support this…

  168. I shared this with friends on a mass email. Hoping to help out and do my part.

  169. sheila ressel says

    It’s great to start the kids out with being charitable while they’re young. It helps them appreciate every blessing that comes their way and they will turn out to be compassionate adults.

  170. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    You have great kids. it is important to teach them when they are young about helping others,

  171. Devin says

    My family needed help with food when I was a child. I can remember the kind people bagging our food at the food bank. It was a truly special gift then, and it’s awesome to see you sharing that generosity with your children. They will be richer people for this.

  172. Jesselyn A/Jesstinger says

    Your kids a terrific and so bright (just like their mom?) ~ and thanks for sharing this important AND urgent “cause” win such enormous WIN- Win – WIN project. It’s a life-saver for children all over the world including HERE and a invaluable lesson in responsibility, empathy, compassion and in taking the initiative /action for our own so much more fortunate children that they can carry through their maturing process into adulthood ~ and beyond. Thanks for sharing ~ and for the fine job you are doing in raising your own young’uns!

  173. Min K says

    good teaching!

  174. Danielle M. says

    What great kids!

  175. I love that kids are getting involved and that ConAgra is doing something meaningful

  176. This is a great cause. Thanks for your commitment.

  177. shelly peterson says

    It’s awesome how they love helping out others.

  178. I would like to thank you for caring. It’s imperative to help out.

  179. Lily Kwan says

    Your kids are very sweet to want help end child hunger. Thanks for sharing information on ways to fight it!

  180. Elena says

    such a great cause to support. thank you!

  181. Margaret Smith says

    It’s so sad that in this wonderful country, that we have so many hungry children. This is a great way to help fight this hunger.

  182. Sandy Weinstein says

    i think it is a wonderful idea that kids volunteer and help with food banks. it shows that their parent are raising them in a conscious environment and where they are not a me person.

  183. Sandy Weinstein says

    i think it is great that kids learn things like this at an early age. not all kids know abt poverty and what other less fortunate families go thru. i think it says a lot of the parents that are raising these kids.

  184. Elena says

    This is such a great cause to support. It’s so important to teach your children to care.

  185. James Robert says

    What caring, loving kids you have and how awesome of ConAgra foods to do this to help those hungry

  186. Rebecca Kellerman says

    That’s so great that you’re educating your kids about their relative privilege and the ability to help out others.

  187. Kelli Wood says

    I have been looking for ways to teach my son about helping others out who don’t have enough to eat. This year for Christmas I plan on him doing some type of food drive or volunteering at a food drive. Just so he can learn that their are children in this world that don’t have food to eat, so he needs to stop with being so wasteful when it comes to food!

  188. courtney hennagir says

    We love this program! The kids get so excited when we have codes to enter and keep track of how many meals we donate throughout the year.

  189. Regina Wright says

    WTG mom! I too, just had this same conversation to my girls about this very topic. Teach em’ young!

  190. Wendy Jabkowski says

    Peanut butter is an excellent donation choice since it is high in protein and very versatile.

  191. Julie Lundstrom says

    I just donated last night when I stopped into Arby’s for dinner. This is a great cause. No one should go hungry.

  192. Karen Propes says

    Thanks for the information, I will pass this out to everyone I know. I think educating children and families about how others really don’t have food to eat is an important step towards working on the problem. I love that ConAgra Foods is taking a large step forward to help and get us involved along with them. This is a big problem in other countries, but it IS A BIG problem here in America. Getting kids involved, maybe have food drives where they can bring food to school and/or church to be donated to the local food banks is another way. I love how your kids wanted to help and I know they felt good about themselves as well as you as a mother to see them follow through with their ideas. We all need to do what we can, if we can. That alone will go a long way.

  193. Joey Wright says

    My oldest school, collects dry goods around thanksgiving. We always clear our cabinets and buy more. I think every parent should teach their child this. Awesome!

  194. Barbara Montag says

    It’s wonderful that the kids are involved with this.
    I volunteer at our food shelf and needs are always increasing.
    thanks for the post

  195. Nia says

    We like to give to our local food bank a few times a year.

  196. Allyson Bossie says

    We donate food to the local food bank every year, and we collect canned goods throughout the year to take!

  197. Richard Hicks says

    Great the kids are learning to help fight hunger

  198. rochelle haynes says

    This is great thing for them to do

  199. Rebbekka Howard says

    I think that is a wonderful idea. Kids are loving and giving and are always willing to help somehow. Good job momma, teaching them early. Thanks for the info on how to get involve.

  200. Sarah Matos says

    Ive had this conversation with my girls also. It is super important our children know that there are some children who do not have food and go hungry. I didnt know about the pins but now know what to look for!

  201. Shelley P says

    Well done! It’s wonderful to see children helping others at such a young age. Our family donates food to our local food bank regularly and we volunteer a few times a year 🙂

  202. I hope that the hunger can end soon. Thanks for the information.

  203. This is a real problem everywhere. Bless that you care enough to feature it.

  204. I thank you for featuring this world-wide problem. A lot of people really are following your insight.

  205. Margot C says

    I find it a hard line to walk to explain to kids that there are others in need without overwhelming them. Being able to actually DO something, something that they can participate in makes a great difference,

  206. Holly C. says

    what a great cause, and wonderful that your children are learning how to help!

  207. Susan Moseley says

    It’s so beautiful when people and companies give back to the community. Helping the hungry is a good thing!

  208. Richard Hicks says

    I always love it when kids help the needy

  209. lissa crane says

    This is so important to teach children! I love that kids think that every little bit helps, they are so right! If all adults thought this way, the problem would be so much smaller! It’s great to bring attention to this, it only seems to be focused on during the holidays!

  210. Stephanie Phelps says

    What an awesome program! I love your kids they are so cute! I think it is awesome to get the kids involved as young as possible

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