I was going through my memory card getting my photos for an upcoming review and ran across these. They were taken a couple of weeks back, but I just had to share…
Ethan is my little dirt guy… if he’s allowed, he will dig. Oh, and he is not afraid of bugs!!! Hence, he is my dirt monster…
So here’s the story… Ethan was playing in the backyard and I heard a little crunchy in his hands and asked him what he had. He grinned a big smile and opened up his hand.
It’s a cicada!!
Gross huh???? *gagging*
YUCK! Little kids are so brave
What a brave little boy!
I have a couple of awards for you, head over to my blog to receive them! http://www.crazyaboutmybaybah.com/2010/09/sharing-love-and-sweetness-awards.html