Project 366 | Day 28 | Potty Train

Project 366

Day 28

Potty Train

Yes, I said “train”. Ethan has been working on a potty chart with a train on it called the “potty train”.

For each dry Pull-Up he has, he gets a sticker.

He is now 4 stickers away from having a potty party with cake and presents!

Good-bye Pull-Ups…

I’m getting ready to do the potty dance… WOOT!



  1. christina moore says

    I will pass this along to my granddaughter

  2. Potty training is tough!

  3. Marlena Curley says

    Great I dea! I love that potty TRAIN chart 🙂

  4. Melissa Herrera-Spaulding says

    I’ve heard of using stickers, but a potty party!!! WOW!!! What an AWESOME idea! My daughter is turning 2 in May and I know she’s not ready yet, but I’m soaking up as many ideas as possible so when it’s time, we hit potty training head on! Thank you for sharing!

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