5 Ways to Protect Your Hearing Health

When it comes to health, there are many factors to consider. We need to think about our immune system, heart health, digestive health, and lots more, but we can’t afford to ignore hearing health, no matter our age or situation. If you want to protect your hearing health long-term, you are in the right place. Find out how to protect your hearing health in the article.  

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Avoid Loud Noises 

Whether it is a sudden loud noise or a prolonged one in your home or working environment, high volumes can destroy the cilia hairs in your inner ear and cause hearing loss in later life. In general, any noise over 70 decibels is considered harmful to the tiny hairs in the inner ear canal. 

These loud noises can be environmental; they can come from workplaces, home appliances, and electronic devices. These loud noises are often avoidable, especially when it is an electronic device, but if it can’t be avoided, it’s best to use earmuffs and ear plugs to help. 

Clean Your Ears 

There are three types of hearing loss; these are sensorineural, conductive, and mixed. Sensorineural hearing loss refers to hearing loss that affects the physical factors in the inner ear, such as cilia hairs. Conductive hearing loss is about blockages that reduce hearing. 

Wax build-up in the ear canal can reduce your capacity to hear and lead to discomfort and pain. Make sure your ears are cleaned regularly to avoid conductive hearing loss and maintain your hearing health. Make sure you clean your ears safely using an appropriate ear canal cleaner.   

Baseline Testing 

It’s difficult to know how healthy your hearing is unless you have a baseline test. No matter what age you are or how well you can hear at the moment, there is never a better time to visit your audiologist for a baseline test for hearing. This will be a single-tone test in an audiologist clinic.

Having a baseline test and visiting the audiologist periodically, depending on your age, is an excellent way to manage your hearing in the long term. Using a baseline, your audiologist can measure your hearing accurately and make early interventions for hearing loss prevention

Use Mindfulness 

People of all ages experience tinnitus, a condition that causes a ringing or buzzing in the ears. Tinnitus happens when the cilia hairs in the inner ear become damaged – usually because of loud noises in the environment – the brain doesn’t get audio signals and creates noise instead. 

Unfortunately, there is no cure for tinnitus, but there are some effective treatments. One of the best and simplest treatments for tinnitus is mindfulness. Mindfulness is not a cure, but it helps people to manage the symptoms of the condition so that tinnitus symptoms are not harmful. 

Healthy Eating 

Healthy eating is crucial for overall health, the same as exercising, but it’s also beneficial for your hearing. Vitamins and minerals in healthy foods, such as fatty acids and vitamins A, C, and E, are all essential for supporting the health of the cilia hairs in the inner ear preventing issues. 


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