During the summer, kids should be outside! Soaking up the sun, splashing in the pool, attending Little League games and backyard barbeques, and all-around having a good time while enjoying the outdoors. However, in my house, my kids get sick every single summer. Summer colds are inconvenient to say the least. They often interfere with vacations, weekend getaways and awesome outdoor activities.
Summer colds are totally different than winter colds, too. They seem to last for weeks, at times acting like they are going away, and then suddenly storming back with a vengeance. A winter cold, by contrast, seems like it is typically gone in a few days. Can’t blame cold weather on summer colds; instead, I believe it’s more exposure to germs. This year, to fight back against icky summer sickness, I am sharing my top 5 tips to keep it far, far away!
Keep Hands Clean: Most germs are spread from a sick person to a healthy person by hand. Your greatest defense is to wash hands several times a day with warm, soapy water. When you can’t wash with water, I think hand sanitizer is the next best thing.

These are all helpful suggestions
These are all good tips. I also like to make sure that my family has more Vitamin C and zinc in their diet or by supplements.
Those are all great tips! We always wash our hands as soon as we come home from being out and about. Illnesses still sneak in the door…but it does help.
These are really great tips, I always encourage a lot of hand washing. While getting sick is never fun, I think it’s worse to be sick in the summer.
Water and sleep are good sickness fighters any time of the year as is lots of hand washing.
These are all good tips. I’ve heard about the benefits of Vitamin D and getting 20 minutes of sun a day, but never do it. I really should start getting outside more.
Thanks for sharing these great tips!
Thanks for sharing
These are great tips, we make sure to drink plenty of water too!
Great tips!
Thanks for the tips!
Tips are always good when fighting a cold and prevention is clearly the best medicine. Thanks!
Great ideas for helping stay healthy in the summer. We try to keep healthy by continuing to drink water and wash our heads.
Great tips! We’ve already been hit with a summer cold and stomach bug. Not fun at all!!!
I always feel better when I drink plenty of water.
very good tips! I sure wish I could have done better myself and put on lots of bug spray because I ended up getting Zika for a week when I was in Central America earlier this month. Thankfully all is well now, but it was a rough week!
These are great tips and I also believe that washing your hands often throughout the day will to keep prevent illnesses.
Great things to know. We live in the low south so we are always using some kind of bug repellent for the no seeums.
That’s pretty good advice.
These tips are very helpful. Thanks for sharing!
You are totally right about enjoying the natural world as it is. So now my kids are at the beach having fun in the sun.
Great tip
All great tips. We were lucky this summer. No one was sick. Hope our luck holds out with school starting soon.
Thanks for sharing good tips to help our families.
Yes! Washing your hands when you come home from being out is a must!
Even just going to the grocery store, your hands come home all grimy. bleh!
This summer i felt like it was a constant rotation of sickness in my home, needless to say we used alot of these products.