5 Tips to Care for a Loved One With Mesothelioma

A mesothelioma diagnosis can leave family members, friends, and colleagues devastated. However, despite being a terminal illness, mesothelioma patients have been known to live three to four years beyond diagnosis under special care. The best thing you can do to a loved one who has been diagnosed with this aggressive cancer is to provide the best care you can. Read on for tips on how to care for mesothelioma patients.  

Create a Support Team 

Mesothelioma patients may require around-the-clock care, especially in the advanced cancer stages. One person alone cannot easily handle all the caregiving tasks, as some might be exhausting and mentally challenging. 

You can liaise with the extended family members, friends, neighbors, and the community to form a support group. A support team not only cushions the caregivers but also makes the patient feel accepted and loved. Additionally, consulting a mesothelioma attorney can help the patient and their family explore legal options for compensation, which can ease financial burdens during this challenging time.

Handle Mesothelioma Lawsuits On Their Behalf 

Mesothelioma is only caused by exposure to asbestos, which is a carcinogenic chemical agent. A mesothelioma mass tort or personal injury lawsuit gives the patient a chance to pursue compensation from the company that exposed them to asbestos. 

As a caregiver, you should talk to a lawyer on how to handle a mesothelioma lawsuit and see how your patient can get deserved justice. A mesothelioma lawsuit averages $2.4 million in compensation. 

Understanding Pulmonary Care 

Pulmonary symptoms are likely to worsen as mesothelioma progresses. Patients may experience shortness of breath, coughing, seething pain while breathing, all of which are common and treatable. As a caregiver, you should be familiar with pulmonary therapies and medical options available. For instance, pain relievers ease breathing while muscle relaxants keep the airways open. You may also seek services from a qualified pulmonary therapist who can teach the patient breathing techniques to improve lung function. 

Exhausting All Treatment Options 

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the standard medical options for mesothelioma patients. In rare cases, doctors may consider lung surgery if the condition is in its early stages. 

These medical options are expensive, and many patients prefer participating in less costly clinical trials that offer new immunotherapy drugs and innovative treatments in their testing stages. You should exhaustively research all your treatment options and select what works for your patient. 

Managing the Side Effects of Treatment 

Cancer treatments can have devastating side effects, and managing these effects is key to keeping patients comfortable. Fortunately, there is medication to treat these side effects. It would help if you kept your oncologist informed of any new side effects or symptoms so that they can be addressed sooner than later. 

Fatigue, pain, and muscle weakness are the main side effects of lung surgeries, while chemotherapy causes nausea. These effects can be managed by medical options, natural treatments, or healthy dieting. 

End note 

A mesothelioma diagnosis is a big hurdle for the patient, family, friends, and the community. However, it should not be taken as an end to everything as good personal care can prolong a patient’s life way beyond their prognosis. Form a team and draw up a caregiving plan that works for everyone, keep in touch with your oncologist and make sure your patient feels loved. 


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