3 Ways to Support Your Child’s Learning at Home

Nothing can be more heartbreaking for a parent than watching your child struggle in school and not knowing how to help. When your child is struggling in the classroom, it can have an impact on their emotional and mental health outside of school as well as put them at risk of falling behind as they continue their academic career in the years to come. As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher. Just like health and safety training from hsi.com shape the way a workplace operates, you shape your child’s feelings towards learning and affect the way they perform in the classroom. Playing an active role in your child’s education and supporting their learning at home is the key to ensuring that they are successful both in and out of the classroom.  

Here are a few tips for supporting your child’s learning at home.  

  • Establish a Relationship with Teachers 

At the beginning of a new school year, be sure to email your child’s teacher with information about your child’s strengths, possible weaknesses, and challenges in the classroom, as well as their goals for each academic year. It is also a good idea to arrange to meet with your child’s teacher once per quarter or semester to discuss their progress and solutions for any challenges. This will not only allow you to work directly with your child’s teacher to receive feedback about their performance in school and get information about how to assist them, but this will allow you to establish a personal relationship with your child’s teacher so they will know to come to you at the first sign of any trouble. 

  • Encourage Learning Through Everyday Activities 

To make your child more excited about learning and more receptive to lessons that are taught both in and out of the classroom, try to help your child participate in activities that encourage learning outside of school. Plan trips to museums or other opportunities for hands-on learning read to or with your child before bed, and involve them in activities like cooking or shopping to help them learn classroom skills (like counting, measuring, etc.) and apply them to real-world scenarios.   

  • Set a Strong Routine 

More often than not, kids dread coming home from school and doing homework or doing anything outside of school time that makes them feel like they are back in the classroom. To reduce the possibility of arguments and the risk that work will not be completed, try to establish a firm and consistent routine with your child that will become a habit to ensure work is done and they know the time frame in which they are expected to complete it.

Consider using tools that focus on challenging subjects like Advanced Placement (AP) to better prepare your child early. Resources such as practice AP tests help students gauge their understanding and readiness for these rigorous exams. Incorporating such study aids alongside routine homework can enhance learning and build confidence.

This could mean requiring them to do homework as soon as they get home from school with the understanding that they can’t do anything else until it’s completed, or this could mean giving your child an hour of free time right after school before sitting down with them to complete schoolwork. No matter what the case may be, make sure it is consistent every day.  

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