A few years back my husband took an interest in genealogy. It started with casual conversations with my grandma, his parents and my Dad. He decided that we needed to start documenting some of these stories and that he would love to know a bit more about who our relatives are/were… so he started digging. He found out that one of our local libraries had a genealogy section, so he spent many Saturdays there immersed in paperwork and films. The excitement he would convey when showing me photocopies of census records was unmistakable. Our mountains of photocopies are proof of his excitement.
When he heard the news of the recent 1940 census release, the excitement was reignited. How many more family members would he be able to find now to add to our family tree? Would the 1940 census prove to be our missing link for so many of our family tree limbs?
Fortunately (for me) he doesn’t have to leave the house to dive into these new records. There are places online now like Family Search that he can peruse at his leisure in his spare time. It’s so much easier online, too. Searching is as easy as choosing a search category like birth, marriage, or death and hitting enter. No more digging through films, searching through piles of paper records, no more driving time and hours away from the family with the added bonus that he can print, save and share to his hearts content.
Are you excited about the new release of the 1940 census? What are you hoping to find in it?
This post brought to you by familysearch.org
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