Sponsor Me at BlogHer ’12
This year, OurKidsMom would like to attend the BlogHer ’12 Conference in New York, and I couldn’t be more excited! BlogHer is an annual blogging conference that "will bring over three thousand attendees together from all over the world to share hands-on learning, rich discussions, opportunities to meet with the brands that support them and plentiful networking opportunities." This is a fantastic opportunity to turn those social media networking connections into real life, face-to-face connections in an environment created to foster those connections. Awesome. What I need now is a sponsor (or two).
So why should your company sponsor OurKidsMom? That’s easy.
1. My audience is highly targeted.
If you’re trying to reach family minded, eco-conscious, baby wearing, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, educated, techie loving, intelligent female (and a few male) consumers in the age ranges of 25-45 (and several above), then OurKidsMom is your blog.
2. My audience is committed and engaged.
Site Stats:
- Over 61,327 page views this month*
- 35,908 unique visitors this month*
- Alexa of 44,737
- Google Page Rank of 4
My subscriber base is as follows:
- 6,177 Feed subscribers
- 14,594 Twitter followers
- 10,986 loyal Facebook fans
- 2,976 Google +
- Meaning a total of 34,733 people who keep up with OurKidsMom
3. I’m an easy & nice person to work with.
You’re convinced now, right? Okay, let’s talk about our partnership.
How will the funds from sponsorship be allocated?
- Purchase of a ticket to BlogHer ’12
- Travel to and from Kansas City to NYC for BlogHer
- Lodging and transportation during BlogHer
- Food during BlogHer- Though a few meals will be served during the conference, I will need to purchase meals/snacks during off hours and while I travel.
Partial Sponsorship – $1,200
By becoming one of OKM’s Platinum Sponsors, you will receive:
- Apparel branding – I will wear your brand logo for the part of the conference.
- Advertising Space – 1 premium ad placement on OurKidsMom for 6 months.
- Monthly Blog Posts – 1 post per month (for 6 months) on both OKM blog & Facebook with your companies current news & promotions
- Tweets – At least 1 tweet per day with a link & mention of your brand during the BlogHer ’12 Weekend, along with a #FollowFriday tweet.
- Facebook Updates – At least 1 status update per day with a link & mention of your brand on OKM Facebook page during the BlogHer ’12 Weekend.
By Sponsoring/providing an iPad3, iPhone 4, DSLR or Laptop – Your logo will be placed on the item and I will be using it during BlogHer.
- Six months of advertising on OKM blog. Ad size of your choice.
- One blog post per month for six consecutive months. Posts will feature your brand/latest products, deals and/or specials, including a link to your site in each post.
- Posts of your choice can be tweeted out and placed on Facebook weekly during prime times for six consecutive months.
Interested? GREAT! It’s easy to contact me… Just send an email to Heather: heather @ ourkidsmom dot com and we can talk.
*As of April 17, 2012