Not only companies and businesses have switched to remote work, but schools as well. Distance learning is no longer just a trend but our reality. It’s time to become a partner, mentor, and coach for your kid. Today, modern technologies allow us not to interrupt the education process.
- Organize a workspace for your kid
The organization of your kid’s workspace during remote learning should be approached with special care. Only a well-chosen design of a workplace can turn the online education process into an exciting pastime. Try to pay special attention to complementary accessories, furniture, and colors.
For your children to desire to learn something new, the workspace must be organized correctly and correspond to their taste preferences. The Internet is full of all possible kids’ workspaces ideas. But, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the child’s suggestions.
- Prepare all the necessary and best technical equipment
The online education format has become part of the whole educational process. It will remain with us even after the pandemic. Among the problems that parents and children face during distance learning are technical ones.
First of all, you need to ensure your child’s Internet safety in the process of distance learning. Very often children can visit a dubious resource or read negative news that can cause stress, anxiety, and apathy.
Be sure to check the Internet connection; prepare and test all the necessary programs that will be useful to your child during remote learning. So your child may need to seek help from writing services such as Then a good internet speed is critical. A screen recorder for recording and viewing material later, presentation makers, software for video conferencing, messengers, a microphone, headphones, and so on are among them. Don’t forget to teach your child how to use these tools.
Moreover, you should choose the secondary tools for online learning — all kinds of applications for self-improvement, the development of mindfulness, and concentration — with special care as well.
- Motivate your kid
The home environment, unlike the school one, is relaxing and more tempting for kids. Parents have to control the concentration of attention, perseverance, apply new levers of influence, and completely change the value system of education.
To motivate small kids, psychologists recommend focusing on the playful way of doing homework. A favorite character can explain the main points of a subject, and for maths, you can find an interesting video or cartoon on the topic or download the corresponding tools for online learning. You can use colorful and eye-catching additional auxiliary materials — counting sticks, coloring books, puzzles.
Furthermore, to motivate your kids, experts recommend not comparing children with classmates. It can lead to isolation, aggressiveness, and irritability. But making comparisons properly is a strong motivational boost. An athlete, or actor, or public figure can be taken as a successful example. It’s worth explaining that this person has achieved success because of hard work and lack of laziness.
- Make breaks
To effectively organize the time, parents can ask the teacher for a weekly schedule. Very likely, most of the classes will be held as video lectures and scheduled webinars. Therefore, don’t forget about 15-minute breaks between classes. The child needs to stand up during these breaks, move, drink water, do gymnastics for the eyes, switch from school to something else
Moreover, remember about physical activity. Even the simplest exercise improves blood circulation, helps maintain good posture, and increases concentration.
Each day should start with light stretching or exercise. There are hundreds of thousands of workouts for kids of all ages on YouTube and Instagram. Also, fresh air is essential for the brain to function, so you need to ventilate the room at least twice a day.
- Give your kids the support they need
Initially, the transition to distance learning requires some parental involvement. It’s crucial to explain to the children that this is temporary. Additionally, online education can cause some stress for a child and parental support, especially at the initial stage, is certainly quite necessary.
Maintain the usual rhythm of family life or create new family traditions (games). Children can react to stress in different ways. For instance, they can be more tenacious, anxious, withdrawn. Your task is to react with understanding, listen to them. Love and attention are important. Remember that children are copying your behavior. Also, remember that it is the parent’s responsibility to help with online education.
Talk to your kids, ask them how they spent the day. It’s worth asking this question in a relaxed manner, at dinner or when watching a TV show together. Children will share what worries them and what doesn’t work out.
- Interact with teachers
If your child can’t use digital devices at home, be sure to inform the class teacher and find the best way to organize your child’s online education. Children mustn’t feel separate if they are unable to use all the equipment they need. Maybe the school can lend tools for online learning to the family.
Check with the teacher about the curriculum, and be interested in the child’s progress. Perhaps, you may need to additionally explain the material. Also, remember that the teacher has a few students and worried parents as well. Don’t attack or disturb the instructor with numerous and insignificant questions. Address to the point only.
- Plan with your kid
Today, very strict adherence to the daily schedule is more important than ever. It will help reduce anxiety and adapt to distance learning. It is challenging for children to follow the system on their own so parental guidance is needed here. Kids, while learning remotely, should realize that no one will allow them to mess around.
You need to make a clear daily schedule and determine the time required for classes, homework, rest, and personal time. Be sure to keep your child’s interests in mind. You should HELP create this schedule, not make it yourself. Use various planners for kids to be in front of their eyes, and there is no desire to disturb the discipline.
- To sum up
Distance learning came as a surprise not only to teachers but also to parents. Children who spent most of the day at school are now constantly at home. Parents have to control their education, work remotely, and do household chores during breaks.
School isn’t a place to study only, but to socialize as well. Children should communicate with other peers. They should have a privacy zone where they can talk to their friends, and no one should bother them at this moment. We wish you all the best and be the perfect parents!
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