$500 Christmas Cash #GIVEAWAY
Who couldn’t use a little extra cash this holiday season? I know with four children of my own to buy gifts for, my checkbook is getting tight. That’s why I’ve joined up with these fabulous bloggers to offer one reader a $500 gift certificate!
Christmas Cash Giveaway Event
Hosted by Mom Powered Media
Please take a moment to visit our sponsor: Emperola.com!
Emperola.com was founded in summer 2012 in order to provide visitors with daily updated list of contests, giveaways, sweepstakes and deals. Enter your email here for a chance to win $500 in cash. If you host any kind of giveaway or contest feel free to submit your contest at Emperola for free.
Finally a special thank you to our lovely co-hosts whom without them great things would not be possible: Penny Auctions Canada, Bay Area Mommy, My Charming Life, Counting To Ten, Mommy’s Fabulous Finds, BlogShopWin.com, Frugal Mom Eh!, The Crazy Nuts Mom, The Deal Fanatic, Frantic Mommy, Giveaway Bandit and My Vegan Gluten-Free Life!
One lucky reader will receive $500 {winner’s choice of Visa Gift Card, Paypal Cash or Amazon Gift Card}!
Giveaway ends December 26th at 11:59pm, open to worldwide, ages 18+.
To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below.
Good luck!
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Pay down holiday bills
I would give $100 to some random person that was out christmas shopping for their kids. I would give $100 to my church and i would use the rest to buy my kids christmas presents since have been unable to get anything for them.
Pay Bills!!!
Baby stuff 🙂
If I won the $500 gift card, I would buy a Nook Color for my husband and a Kindle Fire HD for me:) I’ve been trying to win these for us for over a year now:)
I would use it for some bills.
I would pay sme bills
pay of student loans
I would pay down holiday bills!
Pay some bills!
I would coupon with it and give the food to the underprivileged. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do that!
What would I do with 500 dollars ,buy as many room size rugs as I could, because I have two daughters who need them.
I would pay up bills!
I would buy clothes for our family.
It would go in the college fund.
I would use it for bills!
pay bills
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This would definitely help out with the Holidays.
I would go shopping! 🙂
I would put it towards Christmas gifts and groceries.
Pay off some of my student loans!!
I’ve had a lot of vet bills recently, so it woulf go towards that.
Plane ticket!!
I would pay off some holiday debt!
I think I would pay off some bills
I would like to buy toys for my kids.
Thanks for the chance!
This would be such a blessing! We would buy groceries, pay on the electric bill, and put some towards our car savings! Whoo! 🙂
I’d put it towards a much needed new computer.
I’d give some to donation and the rest would put towards bath tile we really need to do after our bathroom flooded. Thanks!
I would use this money for plain ticket, to see my parents.
I’d use it to help pay off the new furnace we just had to buy.
pay off bills
I would put it towards baby items!
I would use it on bills…no fun!
I hate to say I would probably spend it on groceries. I would have to talk myself into at least one fun thing!
pay some bills
Pay off Christmas charges.
Pay a few bills.
I would use it to buy plane tix to take my kids to visit their grandpa for his bday in January
I would pay off some bills. It would take some stress off!
pay a few bills
I would buy some new camera gear.
I would use it to pay two bills and the rest to take my family out for the night and some Christmas and birthday presents.
I would buy my kiddos’ Christmas without charging on credit.
Wow, I would get my credit card balances way down by using only the $500 Visa for everyday purchases. I’m a good household shopper, I could make that cover almost a full month.
This might get me some new Lululemon workout gear!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I need a couch
Pay off my bills and debt!
A long weekend to WDW!
I would pay bills.
OOPS! I just totally spelled today’s secret word wrong! I was typing too fast and totally messed up! Hope u read this!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I’d spend it on food I order online for my food allergic son. 🙂
I would put it toward our wedding 🙂
I would use it to go the dentist.
I would use it to Buy some more shelves and organization items for the home.
i would donate half and use the rest on clothes for myself
I would pay down bills.
What wouldn’t I do?! $500 is huge for us.. I could pay bills, stock up on groceries, or get the kiddos a few extra goodies for Christmas!! 🙂
Pay some bills!
pay off my credit card
I would save it for a trip I am taking in a couple months.
would love to win this one