Do you love to bake but mixing with a handheld mixer isn’t cutting it?
Here’s your chance to win a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer!
Check out this giveaway from Easy Dough Fundraising! They are giving away a FREE KitchenAid Mixer to one lucky winner at the end of summer! Make sure you get all your entries in before then. Good Luck!
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To enter, tell me why you want a Kitchenaid in the comments section of the blog below and then follow the directions on the Rafflecopter.
I usually can’t bake a lick, but I have really been trying to get into it and do more of it! This mixer would make things soo much easier. Stirring dough with a wooden spoon is getting OLD! LOL
I want a kitchenaid mixer because it’s a good product and I’ve wanted a mixer for years! Ever since a kid I’ve been watching cooking shows and thinking how much easier it would be and all the goodies I can create using one. I love to show my 4 year old daughter how to bake/cook and she loves to help! We could make all kinds of treats for our families and friends 🙂
I love to bake and could really use this.
My husband loves to cook and has been wanting one of these to help make pasta! I would love to win this for him!
I love to bake, and recently brought my toddler into the kitchen with me. This mixer would make it so much easier to allow her to be hands on, we can measure ingredients without stopping the mixer and dont have to worry about her dropping the mixer on the floor when she cant hold it anymore.
i NEED a kitchenaid mixer, I bake all the time! (without one 🙁 )
I love to bake cakes from scratch and this Pink Kitchenaid is just perfect!
I love to bake, so I could really use this… fuchsia 😀
I have been baking tons of teething biscuits for my little one and I keep having to borrow other’s mixers’. I would love to have my own to use!
I want one of these so bad. Thanks.
I would love a Kitchenaid mixter because they are amazing and come in so many fun colors. You never hear anything bad about them, they work great, and last a long time!!
I do a LOT of baking – mainly for my mother. I’m pretty much her live-in chef when I’m home from school… anyway, mixing EVERYTHING by hand gets tiring. Thanks for the awesome giveaways!
My mom used to have one a long time ago and had to sell it due to some money problems, and I would love to win this for her!
I would love to win a kitchenaid mixer so I can make tons of lovely cakes with all my awesome cake pans!
To bake awesome stuff, and so I can ask for other stuff at my wedding, lol :p
I would love a KitchenAid mixer because it would make baking so much easier! No lumps in the cake 🙂
Because I have always wanted one to use when I bake cookies or bread or any type of dough!
I would like a Kitchenaid because I like the idea of having both hands free to add ingredients gradually
I am in college majoring Culinary Arts to get my degree. I will have good use for it because I love to bake. Using the little mixer hurts my right hand. The Kitchen Aid mixer will make my life easier.
I’ve always wanted a Kitchaid mixer. I’d love to make my time in the kitchen SO much easier.
I would love the kitchenaid mixer! It reminds me of baking with my late grandmother when I was a little child. We always had fun in the kitchen when I visited 🙂
I’ve wanted one of these for forever! I had a cheaper one that recently bit the dust…I think I’m ready for the big gun! 😉
I love baking, I bake almost everyday. I mix by hand because I can’t afford the kitchen aid mixer. Ive been wanting one for years! This would be so great
it’s for the wife!
Definetly moist cupcakes with fluffu frosting
I would like to win this for my daughter for her wedding gift. She is dieing to get one of these and I can not afford one for her. I would love to have it, but I will give it to her. I want her happy. She loves to bake!
I would love to have a pink kitchenaid (or any color for that matter)! I am always baking and cooking for my family and friends, and having this mixer would be so wonderful! my sister has one and when the holidays come, she will bring it to me so i can use hers and its so wonderful, and makes cooking and baking so much more FUN!! i have wanted a kitchenaid mixer for so long, i cant remember not wanting one! i just cant afford one. i would love to win this, it would make my day, week, year, life!! lol!
I’m learning to bake bread from my Mom and want one for dough making!
Kitchenaid makes me think of making cookies with my mother when I was a child. I would like to continue that tradition with my son.
Kitchen aids are a great addition to any kitchen!!! They are so easy to use and wash!!!
I want to win this for my dad. He uses an old hand mixer. I bet he could really make some good things with this.
the honest truth why I want it is to give to my mom, I have had one for a few years now and i love it, and she bakes so much, i would love to give it to her, she is 75 and it wold make her baking so much easier thanks so much i pinned it and shared and did all i had to do thanks
I would love to give this to my sister as a gift for her bday 🙂
Because I never stop making cookies and my poor hand mixer wants to collapse!
I want a kitchen Aid stand mixer because I love to bake and it would really be nice to have one!
Mine bit the dust and I have horrible arthritis in my wrists so can’t do as much baking as I would like.
I would definitely appreciate this mixer. I’ve never had one and now that my mom is getting sick and teeth are falling out, this would help make her foods softer. Good luck and success on your blog 🙂
All the cookies and other sweets I have made for over 30 years and always burning out a hand mixer. I’d love to own one of these babies!!!!
I have wanted a kitchen aid since I have began baking! This would be a dream come true and my baking so much more convenient! My grandmother and mother have had one and I have been waiting to afford my own…..baking is my passion!
I am an inspiring baker. I simply love to bake. I create my recipes, test them out, and discover so many new delicious things to make almost daily. I have been dreaming of a stand mixer for a few years now and never have been able to splurge on the luxury. I would love the ease of being about to set my items to mix while I tend to items on the stove top, or check the oven, or roll out something. Baking to me is my zen time. a pinch here, a dash there, and I am simply in my groove. A kitchenaid stand mixer would only inspire me to be more daring in my kitchen adventures!!
I want it in my kitchen, I just know my meals would taste better:)
I’d love to win this KitchenAid for my wife…she loves to bake cookies and breads, but her hand mixer is so hard to use. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love a KithcenAid mixer to help with all the gluten free baking I do for my family!
Would love to win because I do a lot of baking and have always wanted one! Would be so helpful!!
I enjoy baking but my hand held mixer can’t handle the work of mixing thick butter cream and fondant. The Kitchen aid mixer would be perfect! I’ve been salivating over them for a while now but then I look at the price tag and just sigh and keep it moving.
I want to win so cooking will be a little easier! I like to bake but would love to have a little help from a machine – my arms could use it! Lifting a 20 lb kid constantly is tiring!
I am trying to stary my own baking shop from my home and all I have is a hand mixer. Since i am just starting out I cant aford a kichenaid as of now but if I had one it would make my life a hole lotsimpler so I really hope I win
Need one for easy baking sessions.
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brich22 at earthlink dot net
Kitchenaid products hold up great, and last forever. I gave one to my brother when he got married but never had the extra to get one for myself.
Would love to win a Kitchenaid to give to friend!
OH MY GOODNESS, How I would love to have a Kitchenaid. Every time I walk into Walmart I just admire the red beautiful kitchenaid sitting on the shelf. I love to bake and this would make life so much easier! Then I could add more yummy photographs like this, Oh what fun a kitchenaid would bring to my life!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have wanted a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer for YEARS but I can’t justify spending so much money on a mixer… I’ve gone to the store multiple times with the Mixer IN THE CART and to the checkout line just to put it back or give it to the cashier… I talk myself right out of buying one every single time… 🙁
I would love a Kitchen Aid mixer because my mixer is a piece of junk! I’d love one that was such a great quality as Kitchen Aid.
I have friends and family that rave about this mixer, however, I do not have one, and would love too!! I cook all the time!!
would love to add this to my cooking arsenal.
I would love to own a kitchenaid as I love to bake. Being a mum of two with a third child on the way whilst working doesn’t allow me to spend as much time to prepare and bake as I would like to or used too. I think the kitchenaid does exactly what it says in its title….. It’s there to aid you! And boy do I need some assistance in the kitchen and what can be better than the kitchenaid, it’s gorgeous to look at, perfect for everyday use and best of all it doesn’t answer back!
We bake and cook so much with a family of six, i have three girls and they love to help me cook. It’s a way we spend time together just like when we do crafts and play tennis. I bake for their classrooms on the holidays and during their birthdays they have lots of fun learning how to do it and they love giving kids the food we made together. Both me and my husband cook and we do basically all of it from scratch, everything but bread with the exception of pizza dough which we make homemade. Homemade pizza is very good and it’s a lot cheaper. My mother has one of these mixers and it is a great mixer, it’s also a whole lot safer than a regular beater. I pray to win this for my family.