I’ll admit it… even with the best of intentions and planning, I almost always regret some of the food I partake in at holiday gatherings. One cookie usually leads to another… and I can’t seem to pick just one type of pie so I will have a 1/2 slice of each. Let’s not get into the candies, drinks, peppermint bark, chocolate covered pretzels, salty snacks… oh oh! puppy chow *insert drool here*. I already have an upset stomach and I only imagined all of these foods!
With more than 46 million holiday parties planned this season, discomfort related to overindulgence of food and drink can become the unwanted gift that just keeps on giving. This year Pepto-Bismol is teaming up with a holiday Elf to encourage people to enjoy their favorite holiday treats knowing that Pepto has them covered.
To help us with our holiday planning, cooking and celebrations Pepto has put together a party pack to share!
ONE lucky OurKidsMom reader is going to win a Pepto Party Pack!
iPod Shuffle ($47 ARV)
$25 iTunes Gift Card ($25 ARV)
Toshiba CAMILEO® B10 1080p HD Camcorder ($120 ARV)
Crate and Barrel Tripoli Server ($49.95 ARV)
Pepto-Bismol (use as directed)
Simply follow the directions in the widget below. It’s that simple.
but they are still very much appreciated and adored :O)
This giveaway ended at 11:59 PM EST on December 28, 2011.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I did not receive any type of compensation for this post (monetary or product). I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment and will be shipping the winner(s) their prize(s). For more information read my disclosure policy.
I’d like to try the Cherry Pepto Bismol
Here’s my tweet link: https://twitter.com/#!/JessicaPatrick6/status/146915006007619585 My Twitter ID is JessicaPatrick6. I am a GFC subscriber, Google feed subscriber, and Follow You on Google+ through my Google plus e-mail @ iwillnotgiveuponyou@gmail.com. I also subscribe to your e-mails @ richspark12@hotmail.com. Your button is on my blog @ saveroom4moredessert.wordpress.com. I’ve entered ALL of your contests tonight.
they have a cook book!
The shrimp boat video cracks me up!
I just love how they make the chewables for kids now.
I would like to try the cherry chewable tabs.
Children’s Pepto Antacid is available in two flavors kids love—Bubblegum and Watermelon!
I LOVE their videos
my Google + ID is Couponing Texas
your button is at http://www.couponingreviewingintexas.com/blogsiadore
I learned they have a cookbook
I did not know that Pepto was created in a doctor’s home over 100 years ago.
I like the chewable tablets for kids.
I hadn’t seen the Instacool Pepto yet.
I learned that the chewables relieve fullness due to overindulgence with food and drink, which is good for the holidays
I learned that they have a cook book!!
I will probably want the Pepto Max after the holiday Sausage Balls! Thanks!
I like the videos
I like the Instacool peppermint chewable tablets
Pepto does more than treat the symptoms, it treats the source.. bacteria.
It didn’t leave me a spot to put what giveaways I entered so for today’s 5 entries I will put them here:
1-primo water dispenser,2-250 flyers,3-kor water bottle,4-samsung windows phone,5-frosty snowman DVD
i liked the sneakpeak at the children’s cookbook
I like the online kids cookbook they have available
I have never heard of the InstaCool tablets – those sound great to keep in your purse.
I learned that there is a Pepto for children under 12. I didn’t know that!
During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains.
Pepto-Bismol once treated a disease called “cholera infantum,” which caused severe diarrhea, vomiting, or even death among infants.
The medicine we now call Pepto-Bismol was originally developed more than 100 years ago by a doctor in his home
Like to try the Pepto-Bismol® with InstaCool® chewable tablets.
I did not know that they had InstaCool chewable tablets. I usually buy the liquid.
I learned that Pepto comes in cherry flavor. I didn’t know that!
Your button is here
I entered another giveaway but there was no place to write it in the box. I entered the LG $250 giveaway.
Thank you for the giveaway!
i would like to try the instacool chewable
grabbed your button
Oh this would be so nice to won!
Entered the Sleep Innovations Bath Mat and the $250 American Express GC
I would love to try the Instacool! I entered your Aldi, American Express/LG, American Express Holiday Budget and GameStop giveaways
I watched What’s In My Belly on the pepto site!
like they have cherry chewables for the kids. my kids hate the regular flavored one
The vidoes are funny. I like that Pepto comes in a chewable now.
I didn’t know that Pepto-Bismol was available in a child’s formula. That’s handy to know, since I have a five year old and a seven year old. 🙂
I added you on Google+ – I’m Jenn Kitty / http://gplus.to/kissmykitty
I subscribed to email updates – kissxmyxkitty@gmail.com
(I’m posting these here in your comments because there’s no option to do so in the Rafflecopter form)
I did know they had children’s pepto!
love that they have childrens pepto. I didnt know that. Thanks for the giveaway!
aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com
added your button to my site. Thanks for the giveaway!
aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com
I learned that I can give my two year old 1 tablet of the children’s pepto for heartburn (she has acid reflux from time to time)!
Children’s Pepto Antacid is available in two flavors kids love
The cookbook for kids is neat.
Learnt that it provides a 5 symptom relief: nausea, heartburn, indigestion, diarhea and upset stomach.
i learned that they make one for kids too and 2 flavors and that they have a facebook page
Posted your button here:
Love that it comes in a chewable tablet
I learned they have a kids cookbook and it looks really cute!
I’d like their chewable tablets to carry around.
i did not know pepto bismol treated the bacteria that cuases diahrrhea
I love the chewables for kids! Way to go Pepto! Always have some in my purse!
I never knew they had children’s Pepto. Good to know!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I posted your blog button
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
What a perfect holiday prize pack arrangement.
I entered your Kidtoons Olivia Giveaway
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
The Max-o-meter test was cute. 🙂
Never knew Pepto had children’s relief for heartburn.
I had no idea they had a cookbook.
Never knew they had a “childrens cookbook” on their website… reading through it cracked me up! So funny, I had to share it with my sister.
My FB email (if you are seeing that with the new facebook sign in?) is different than the email I am subscribed to (sub is the same as this comment)
And the giveaways I entered are the Zutano, Gamestop, Aldi, Moxie Girlz and Zoobies
I learned they have a range of items. I know that sounds stupid but I seriously had no idea they sold more than the regular flavor. Really liked the videos!
I entered your LG come Dine with me Giveaway
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com (Andrea)
I entered your Zutano Giveaway
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com (Andrea)
I entered your Step 2 HOme Depot Workshop Giveaway
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Hahaha. I like the “Cooking with Kids” cookbook.
I like that they have chewables.
It’s easier to pack tablets than liquids, especially when flying.
I can tell you something I DON’T want… Fruitcake. {:
I didn’t know they helped with diarrhea also.
I learned there’s cherry flavor Pepto Bismol.
grabbed button
entered the american express giveaway
entered the primo water
I learned about the children’s pepto which by the way works wonders!!!!
I like that they come in chewables.
pepto has saved me more than once – ha ha
I like it helps 5 different problems.
I really liked and would love to try Pepto-Bismol® with InstaCool® chewable tablets that have a peppermint flavor and an instant cooling sensation that lets you know relief is on the way for heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, nausea, and diarrhea.
I entered the LG “Come Dine With Me” giveaway
I entered the Gamestop giveaway
I entered the Holiday Budget Tips giveaway.
I entered the Bath Mat giveaway.
Thousands of fruit cakes are gifted and re-gifted during this season.
Pepto comes in caplets!!
I learned Children’s Pepto Antacid does not contain aspirin.
I didn’t know Pesto-Bismol came in cherry flavor! I was raised with Pepito-Bismol! My grampa swore by it! I think this little pink juice was why he could eat such hot food and never have stomach problems! LOL!
Thank you!
I earned they have a cookbook.
I think I want some of those tabs instead of the liquid. Might be easier on me!
I learned that Diarrhea is a common problem for travelers, who frequently consume new and possibly ill-prepared foods while away from home. Gross!!!
I would like to try the Pepto-Bismol® with InstaCool® chewable tablets
I’d like to try their InstaCool® chewable tablets. I’ve never heard of them!
Ps Mamae on Google + / Button up on right side bar: http://psmamae.blogspot.com
Entered giveaways:
Maukilo HABA Wooden Push Toy, Samsung Focus Flash Windows Phone, HALO Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition, LG Come Dine with Me $250 Amex GC, $50 gc to Gamestop.
I’d really love to try the Cherry Chewable tablets.
I learned that Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains during the 1920’s
I would like to try the Cherry Chewable Tablets.
Would love to try the instacool chewable tablets. I have such a hard time with liquid meds so a good chewable is a must!
Entered the $250 Am/Ex giveaway, Halo Combat Evolved, Put More Jingle in Your Pocket, Holiday SpongeBob and Family Game Night giveaways.
I learned that Children’s Pepto Antacid is available in two flavors kids love—Bubblegum and Watermelon
I learned that they have chewable tablets.
I like the Pepto videos. Especially the Fondue holiday video.
I’m glad to now know they’re kids antacids have no aspirin
I learned that Pepto-Bismol can be taken after meals on either a full or empty stomach and there’s no data to suggest that it interferes with any absorption of nutrients.
*I’m a google+ follower as SnowflakeDay Audra W.
(didn’t see a line to put that info in the form)
i learned they make a children’s version of pepto!
I like the chewable tablets.
I love the new variety in flavor choices
thanks for the great giveaway
I would like to try the Cherry liquid. I’ve always bought Original and love it. I could drink the bottle as a snack… but I don’t lol.
I had never heard of the instacool tablets before
They offer Pepto-Bismol® with InstaCool® chewable tablets.
I think the Instacool chewables sounds good, b/c I prefer minty antacids to the pink stuff
I learned that Pepto treats one of the symptoms of diarrhea which is bacteria.
It comes in Cherry?!?!?!
I like these http://www.pepto-bismol.com/pepto-cherry-chewable-tablets.php
I like the Insta Cool tablets
I did not know that you can refrigerat peptobismol
I am glad they make the chewables for the kids.
I learned that Pepto was invented 100 years ago by a doctor in his home, and that Pepto comes in cherry flavor, neither of which I knew before!
I learned that they have InstaCool chewable tablets
Follow you Google+, Kelly T
entered 5 giveaways, lite brite, chggington, colorforms, easy bake oven, Ybike
the kids chewable tabs are great
I didn’t realize how many varieties there are of Pepto! I love their chewable tablets
I learned they make pepto for kids!
i learned they have children’s peto chewables in watermelon flavor
nannypanpan at gmail.com
I never knew that they had children’s pepto before.
entered aldi, frosty, easy bake oven, chuggington and kinect sports
there wasn’t a spot to enter it, but I also entered the following giveaways: HABA Flapping Frank Push Toy, samsung focus, dance central 2, family movie night, and gamestop.
I learned they have childrens pepto
google+(Lori Thomas)
I didn’t know they had Caplets.
I learned that Pepto comes in different flavors…even cherry!
entered Samsung Focus Flash Windows Phone
I have your button on my blog
entered Maukilo
entered Tonka giveaway
I’d love to try the Pepto-Bismol Cherry Maximum Strength Liquid.
I cant believe they have a cookbook.
entered Moxie Girlz
entered Kidtoons Olivia
entered LG Come Dine With Me
I learned that they have an insta cool that is peppermint.
I didn’t know they had a cookbook, good to know since I have gerds!
I learned they have several different formulas now not just the pink!
I would love to try the instacool
I like the InstaCool® chewable tablets
i like that you can get pepto bismol in chewable tablets because i can’t handle the taste of the liquid (but use it when needed)
I suffer with COPD & often it brings on bronchitis, the coughing really upsets my stomach so I should carry the PEPPERMINT CHEWABLE TABLETS in my purse!
You may find your button on my blog at http://myaddictiongiveaways.blogspot.com/
I’d like to try the watermelon flavored Pepto.
Didn’t know they had Insta-Cool tablets, they would be handy to have!
LOL I love the Cooking With Kids Top Secret cookbook! Soooo funny! Everyone should check it out!
I got a good laugh reading some of the taste adventure stories.
i have your button @ http://www.crazy4giveaways.blogspot.com
they make chewable tablets
I like that they make chewable tablets for kids. My son will not take liquid.
they have chewables for kids under 12
Pepto-Bismol Instacool chewable tablets would come in handy in our house this holiday season.
i entered the $50 gamestop gift card
I learned that Pepto has a Cherry flavor – whodathunkit? I love Cherry, and I’m sure it tastes great. Definitely putting that on my shopping list.
i didn’t know it came in cherry! i though pink was it LOL. I also didn’t know it came in chewable tablets
I learned that Pepto-Bismol can be refrigerated, but it is not necessary. However, you shouldn’t freeze the product.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Sounds like this would be just the thing for those tamale parties we have come Christmas!
I did not realize that During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains. That is a pretty cool fact. I also did not know that Pepto comes in a pill form now
12/15 – Entered giveaways: Step2 Lifestyle Legacy Play Kitchen and $75 gc to Zutano Childrens Clothing
I’d like to try the cherry flavor–I didn’t know they made it in cherry.
if i have need, i would like to try the instacool tablets
I love that they have chewable pepto for kids.
Thanks for the chance.
Didn’t realize they have so many flavors
Turkey video is funny. Thank you!
I like Pepto Cherry in liquid
kport207 at gmail dot com
I have actually entered ALL 30 of your giveaways – lol
I was not aware of their Instacool tablets…kind of makes you feel are cool and fuzzy inside 😉
I had no idea there was Pepto for kids! WHere have I been?
I would like to try the PEPTO-BISMOL WITH INSTACOOL!
entered another giveaway
Baby Born Dance With Me, Uprinting, Holiday Budget Tips, Family Movie Night, Lite Brite
have your button
They have recipes for children on their site.
Learned that Pepto Bismol can start to relieve “Traveler’s Diarrhea” in as little as 4 to 24 hours.
the cats litter box at yahoo dot com
I learned they have Children’s Pepto and having two kids, I have no idea how I never knew that before.
Took Pepto Bismol to China this summer and it worked like a charm to calm upset stomaches.
I entered your Step2 Kitchen giveaway
i had no idea they have children’s pepto where have i been?
I learned that they have Instacool Pepto-Bismol, which is perfect for when I’m running errands.
I want to try the insta-cool tablets, they sound awesome!
Thank you for the opportunity:)
The Cherry Pepto Bismol sounds the best to me!
entered zoobies, spongebob and zutano
nannypanpan at gmail.com
I learned that During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains.
entered easy bake oven
learned: Some people feel refrigerating makes the dose more pleasing to take, and that’s OK. However, you shouldn’t freeze the product.
I’d like to try the Pepto Cewable Antacid for kids.
I entered the Budget Holiday Tips giveaway.
I entered the Primo Water Dispenser giveaway.
I entered the Candle Warmers giveaway.
I entered the Gamestop GC giveaway.
I entered the Zutano giveaway.
I learned that they make chewable tablets, which is better for me as I have a hard time swallowing liquid meds.
liquid pepto bismol max is my choice.
I like that they have chewable tablets which are great for travel.
Love that they carry Kids Pepto!
I learned that the label recently changed to remove children’s dosages
I learned that The medicine we now call Pepto-Bismol was originally developed more than 100 years ago by a doctor in his home.
They have a peppermint chewable now.
Not related to their website, but I seen Dr. Oz show last night and he said it’s also an anti aging technique too. Hmmm…. lol
I couldn’t add my blog to the form to show where the button is. It’s at http://www.thethoughtthatcountsblog.com
Pepto-Bismol was available in a child’s formula!
I learned that they have children’s Pepto tablets. cool!
I want cherry liquid
I just love how they make the chewables for kids now
I love their videos. There are so many to look through! Thanks Heather!
for your button
your button grabbed
I have entered Lite Brite LED Flat Screen
I have entered Step2 Lifestyle Legacy Play Kitchen RV $129.99
I entered the 250 Flyers from Uprinting RV $49.80
I entered the YBike Glider 3 Wheeled Scooter RV $79.99
•During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains.
•Pepto-Bismol once treated a disease called “cholera infantum,” which caused severe diarrhea, vomiting, or even death among infants.
•The medicine we now call Pepto-Bismol was originally developed more than 100 years ago by a doctor in his home.
Would like to try the instacool
I want to try the Instacool tablets.
You can find the button @ http://www.thislittlefamiliy.net
I learned they now have chewable tablets with insta-cool.
l learned they have childrens chewables
5 symptom relief
Learned about Pepto with Instacool
I’d like to try Cherry Pepto Chewable Tablets, we usually get liquid ones.
I also like the chewable tablets for kids.
I have your button: http://thespanglyprincess.blogspot.com/
I love their Turducken commercial!
I like their chewables! great to have in your purse!
I also entered: MoxieGirlz, Step2 Workshop, YBike, Holiday Budget GC, LG $250 GC
There was no place in the widget to leave contests entered
I entered the Lite Brite, Colorforms Magic Show, Candle Warmers, Ybike and Easy Bake Oven
I found these three facts instersting:
•During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains.
•Pepto-Bismol once treated a disease called “cholera infantum,” which caused severe diarrhea, vomiting, or even death among infants.
•The medicine we now call Pepto-Bismol was originally developed more than 100 years ago by a doctor in his home
I’d like to try their cherry chewable tablets. I can’t stomach taking liquids!
There were not spots to put this info in on the form…
Added button to my site: http://giveawayposts.wordpress.com/
I entered 5 other giveaways: $250 amex gc, olivia prize package, $25 aldi gc, easy bake oven & $50 game stop gc
I think the instacool sounds very interesting! Thanks for hosting!
i wanna try (well kinda, hopefully wont have to use it) the cherry liquid
I learned they have a cook book!
I like the cherry chewable tabs
I want to try Cherry
Your button is at http://www.giveawayhog.blogspot.com
And I entered these giveaways:
-Holiday Budget Tips: WIN $250 CHOICE GC!
-Frosty’s Winter Wonderland Deluxe Edition on DVD
-$25 Aldi GC *2 winners*
-Holidays with Spongebob 3 DVD Set (rafflecopter)
-$50 gc to Gamestop
entered another giveaway
Frosty, Primo, Chuggington, YBike, Holidays w/ Spongebob
thanks for the chance!
I like the Children section and the difference between a sour stomach and an upset stomach
The Instacool sounds like something my fiancee could use, his belly gives him tummy aches after certain meals 🙁
i like that they have chewable pepto now!
Instacool looks pretty interesting and cool
I like the chewables for kids
I like that they have a Cookbook for Kids
Ha! Pepto-Bismol used to be served at soda fountains. I’d believe it, I used to drink that stuff a few times a week in my teen years. 🙂
i would love try the cherry one day
I learned that Children’s Pepto Antacid comes in watermelon flavor, too! I didn’t know that.
It’s available in different flavors
I just learned about Instacool chewable tablets. It would definitely come in handy for on the go needs!
I learned that children and teenagers who have or are recovering from chicken pox or flu-like symptoms should not use Pepto-Bismol. Thanks.
I learned that they have a cookbook!
I learned about InstaCool. Never heard of those!
I learned that liquid Pepto Bismol is available in original, cherry, and maximum strength.
Your button is on my sidebar at http://www.littlesaver.com
I did not know they had different kinds and even a cherry flavored one!
I like the Instacool Pepto Bismol tablets. Thanks for the giveaway:)
I learned they have a kid’s pepto.
I learned they have a kid’s pepto
I would like to see their cookbook
I learned that they carry several different flavors of products including my favorite flavor, cherry!
hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com
I learn they actually have Children’s Pepto Antacid and it’s available in Bubblegum and Watermelon!
I want to try the pepto instacool..
I liked the videos
I learned the have products for kids.
2 extra entries entered (step 2 home depot, and plasma car)
I honesty never knew there was children’s pepto! Awesome!
I didn’t know about the Instacool!
I like their chewable tablets.
grabbed your button http://geekygamergrrl.blogspot.com/
I like their instacool chewables
I have your button on my blog
Entered for the 12/17 entries:
Chuggington, Lite Brite, Aldi, Candle Warmers, Colorforms
entered these giveaways
zoobies, primo, step 2, halo, american express
Pepto Bismol saves me all the time
I would like to try their Cherry chewable tablets! Never tried those. 🙂
They have a new kind Insta cool.
I had never heard of Pepto max before I visited the website.
I have your button on my sidebar at http://freechristmasproject.com/
I entered the gamestop, Halo, Aldi’s, Spongebob & Moxie giveaways
Giveaways I entered
plasma car, carribou coffee, zutano, lg come dine with me, step 2 home depot workshop
they have a secrtion cooking with kids on their site
entered ybike
entered zoobies
entered game stop
entered halo
entered kidtoons-olivia
I learned that they have chewable tablets.
I learned that Pepto-Bismol was “Originally developed by a doctor in the early 20th century…”
Interesting, very interesting!
I have your blog button here…
Here are the FIVE (5) giveaways I entered (I was unable to leave the giveaway names inside the ‘rafflecopter’ prompts)…:
1. Easy Bake Oven (12/17/11)
2. Zoobies Pet (12/17/11)
3. Singing & Storytelling Belle (12/17/11)
4. Moxie Girlz Riding Club Horse (12/17/11)
5. Candle & Wax Warmer (12/17/11)
I didn’t know they had a chewable tablet
I entereed the 1 plasma car, 2 Aldi’s 3 Smurfs 4 Samsung 5 flip bounceback racer
Entered Caribou Coffee Prize Pack
Entered step 2 kitchen, reija Eden, earth diva, caribou, and the mat giveaway
12/18 Entered: Reija Eden Owl Necklaces and Earth Divas Fair Trade Purse
button – http://inthekitchenwithlulu.blogspot.com
entered shopping smart with AMEX giveaway
entered LG come dine with AMEX giveaway
entered legacy kitchen giveaway
entered workshop playset giveaway
I entered carribou coffee, lg come dine with me, flip racer, zutano, chuggington
46 million parties and Pepto covers them all.
Thanks for the contest.
I like Children’s Pepto Chewable Tablets. My son gets tummy problems and he can’t stand the liquid, so the tablets would be awesome!
Here is the link where you will find your button on my blog: http://midniteecho75.blogspot.com/
I didn’t realize they offered a cookbook!!
I was intrigued to learn that they make a product for kids called Children’s Pepto Antacid (made w/ calcium carbonate) and love the “What’s in my belly” section — a child friendly explanation of what’s causing the symptoms and what to do (intended for moms/parents to use, but older kids might appreciate looking over your shoulder!)
I learned that Pepto isn’t for pets. Consult with your vet for treatment.
toddlovessweeps at gmail.com
I learned that they have children’s pepto…didn’t know that
entered LG giveaway
ntered holiday shopping challenge
My extra entries 12/18 were Zoobies pet giveaway, Aldi Giftcard, Chuggington wooden train set giveaway, American Express $250 giftcard, Mod straps
i like the cherry flavored
entered plasma car, and step 2 home depot
entered halo, lg, gamestop, plasma car and smurfs
nannypanpan at gmail.com
they have dif. falvors — cherry could be good… lol
I like the Instacool peppermint chewable tablets
Button is on my blog
The Insta Cool sounds like something I might try
I like the Pepto-Bismol Instacool chewable tablets
I entered the gamestop, Halo, flip & bounce racer, & the come dine with me giveaways
I entered
50 gc game stopop
easy bake oven
step 2 worksh
I didn’t know they had pepto for kids!
I also entered: plasmacar, Step2 Lifestyle Kitchen and iPod/Pepto giveaways
I meant GameStop GC as the third
i like to try the cherry kind hehe
I didn’t know they made chewables for kids!
I like Original Pepto, always worked for me. I never knew it could be used to help with feeling full though, interesting
I learned that it is no longer recommended for children without a doctor consultation
brich22 at earthlink dot net
There is no place in the widget to put Additional Giveaways entered
Kowallaa Wall Graphics
Caribou Coffee
Singing Belle
I learned that the Instacool Pepto is not for children under 12.
5 GAs entered: Colorform, Easy Bake Oven, Smurf DVD, Step 2 Home Depot, SI Bath Mat
I learned that they have chewables! Medicine is always better when chewable 🙂
i think it’s cool that they are doing a cookbook!
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
I entered carribou coffee, plasma car, flip racer, lg come dine with me, zutano
Is eggnog really made out of egg and nog!? I never would have guessed 😛
I’d like to try Pepto-Bismol with InstaCool chewable tablets ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Love that Pepto can take care of heartburn, sour stomach, indigestion, etc! I also entered the ybike, LG, Thomas, Samsung, and Sims giveaways.
Grabbed your button
I also entered the $50 gc to Gamestop giveaway
I also entered the LG Come Dine with Me $250 Amex GC giveaway
I also entered the Caribou Coffee Prize Pack giveaway
You didn’t leave extra info boxes on the Rafflecopter form.
All of your giveaway posts say “COMMENTS DO NOT COUNT AS ENTRIES…”, but you require comments to enter.
Pepto is the best for an upset stomach.
http://savingmoneycanbefun.blogspot.com/ I posted your button here
Love their children’s chewables!
I like the different varieties they offer. I’d much rather take it in pill form than in liquid!
ha you learn something new everyday, I had no clue that they had a cookbook!!! lol
i have your button on my site
Entered GelPro Comfort Floor Mat (rafflecopter)
I was glad to see the children’s cookbook did NOT have recipes involving Pepto. Haha! For a minute, I thought they had some crazy recipes with Pepto as an ingredient. I like that they have Pepto for kids too.
the Instacool Pepto Bismol tablets.
12/20 – Entered: Kowallaa Wall Graphics Art that Clings and GelPro Comfort Floor Mat.
i entered the sleep innovations bath mat, the step 2 home depot workshop, the ybike, the easy bake and the zoobies giveaway
I want to try the cherry flavor, and they have childrens pepto too!
I learned that Pepto-Bismol comes in caplets and chewables also.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
I learned that Pepto makes a Max. I might need that this year.
I didn’t know they had chewables so I would try the cherry chewables
I learned you cant just use the way you want it says use as directed
I entered: carribou coffee, plasma car, lg come dine with me, chuggington, zutano gc
They have a version called Pepto Max.
I entered your Gel Pro Mat GIveaway
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
They have chewable tablets for children
I’d like the Cherry Pepto Bismol!
I would like to try the IstaCool tablets.
They have a Watermelon flavor for kids! How cool?!
The new rafflecopter won’t let us put our info in the “extra entry” section….
I have your button:
My Facebook name: Katie Smith
Googlt + Katie Smith
I entered the Caribou Giveaway
Gamestop Giveaway
Rembrant giveaway
I would like to try the cherry chewable tabs.
I hadn’t seen the Children’s Pepto® Antacid Chewable Tablets before
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
i want the Children’s Pepto® Antacid Chewable Tablets for the kids
entered Chuggington Calley’s Rescue Set Wooden Train giveaway
entered YBike Glider 3 Wheeled Scooter giveaway
entered Zutano giveaway
entered Zoobies Blanket/Pillow Pets giveaway
entered Step2 Home Depot Big Builders Workshop Playset
I learned you can, “eat, drink, and be covered!”
I like their childrens cook book!
button is on my blog http://mylittlespace4everything.blogspot.com
Children’s Pepto Bismol? Guess I haven’t seen this before. I wonder how good it would taste.
great for those chewables for kids
During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains
I Want The Cherry Chewable Pepto Tablets
There is a children’s pepto available.
Children’s Pepto Antacid is available in watermelon! Yum!
On 12/22, added entries for memory foam bath mat, Zutano, Maukilo Haba Wooden Push Toy, and Caribou Coffee
In a huge family, one of us is bound to need some Pepto.. those chewables would be perfect for me. I don’t like liquid medicines..
I like the videos!
I enjoyed their videos like the one above. And…I had no idea (until now) they had pepto for kids!
Blog Button Location: http://www.grandmasezso.com/ right hand side
I have entered these super giveaways!
1.Scholastic Books Gift Basket
2. Step2 Home Depot Big Builders Workshop Playset
3. Reach/Rembrandt Gingerbread Sweep & Keep Prize Pack
4. GelPro Mat
5. Moxie Girl Horse
I like that they make chewables for kids
There is a pepto-bismol made especially for children.
I have your button agigglesaysitall.blogspot.com
I did not know there were more than one flavor.
I did not know that they made more than one flavor.
I would like to try the chewables for me.
The Instacool type work best for me.
button posted http://www.dawnsdailydiggs.com/p/blog-roll.html
“Pepto-Bismol® with InstaCool® chewable tablets have a peppermint flavor and an instant cooling sensation that lets you know relief is on the way* for heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, nausea, and diarrhea. Available in quantities of 30 tablets.
No matter what comes your way, you’ll have InstaCool to help keep your cool.*”
I learned that •During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains
I entered the Caribou, Halo, flip car, Moxie, & Samsung phone giveaways.
Visited their site and in the FAQ section I learned that it is not recommended to give Pepto to pets. Uhhmmm really? They actually have to post that? LOL Whow the heck would give their pet Pepto?!?! That is to funny!
I like the portability of the tablets. I’ve never noticed those before.
Google+ as Chisum Crew
I learned that Pepto also comes in tablets.
Entered the Scholastic giveaway
Entered the Eight O’Clock Coffee giveaway.
I really like the idea of the insta cool tablets. My daughter is prone to car sickness, and these would be great!
I learned that they have a new Cherry flavor. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I have your button on my sidebar!
Entered Olivia, Mod Strap and Caribou giveaways.
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I entered the following giveaways to qualify for the extra entries:
Kowallaa Wall Graphics!
Singing and Storytelling Belle Giveaway
Step2 Lifestyle Legacy Play Kitchen
Plasma Car
Samsung Focus Flash Windows Phone
i love that they make a childrens pepto!
12/23 Entered: Eight O’Clock Coffee Prize Pack, Scholastic Books Gift Basket, Reach/Rembrandt Prize Pack, Trikke T5 Jogo Scooter.
like the insta cool tablets, I swear by them
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
Entered Eight O’Clock Coffee Prize Pack
I entered Reach Rembrandt giveaway
I would like to try the Instacool.
I like the cherry flavored pepto max. I see there has been a lot of changes in this product since I looked at it. Rita
I have your button at http://rj7777.blogspot.com/
I entered the chuggington, Trikke T 5 Jogo scooter, eight o’clock coffee, reach rembrandt, and caribou coffee giveaways.
Entered these giveaways for the 12/23 entries:
Eight O’Clock Coffee
I like the different flavors
Pepto was “developed by a doctor in the early 20th century.”
email/rss swedenesefamily at gmail dot com
Google + https://plus.google.com/u/0/stream/circles/p172b8b0809f78ac7
Entered Chuggington
Entered Zutano
Entered Samsung
Entered Maukilo haba
Entered Plasmacar
I could have used some pepto tonight! Wish I picked some up at the store!
http://smallertownmom.blogspot.com is where you have a button on the right hand side!
They make Pepto for kids! Cool!
Entered Rembrandt
Entered Eight O’Clock Coffee
I entered the Singing Belle giveaway.
i would like to try the cherry pepto
i’d love to try the cherry max liquid
didn’t know they made a children’s variety
thanks for a great contest! Janna Johnson http://www.feedyourpigblog.com
jannajanna@hotmail.com janna@feedyourpig on GFC
i REALLY love all the bowling images. they are hilarious!
danielle b.
I want to try the InstaCool, I have always wondered if it works
i love the instacool!
I like the instacool
cherry chewable pepto bismo tablets
entered these 3 giveaways today. No place in the widget to put additional entries
Trikke T5
Eight O’clock Coffee
I want to try the Cherry flavor.
I learned they have a cookbook also. Neat.
i entered the eight o’clock, scholastic books and reach/rembrandt giveaway
I entered carribou coffee, plasma car, home depot workshop, zutano, owl necklace
I learned this product is not for those under 12
i think i need stock in pepto i’m always nauseous a lately – think it my arrava but need to still be up and pretend to be happy for my little on lol
oh! please don’t diqualify me i saw leave a comment with no directions – or so i thought sorry! I loved all the did you know? info so interesting! like – did you know it pepto was served at soda fountains in the 1920’s
i learned they now have pepto instacools that give you a cool sensation.. interesting!
I learned that as of spring 2004, the FDA required the child dosing directions be removed from the label of all anti-diarrheal products containing bismuth subsalicylate, including Pepto-Bismol.
I entered the Rembrandt Giveaway.
I need to try their antacid tablets.
The instacool tablets sound good.
I entered to win
Caribou Coffee
I did not know that Pepto came in chewable tablets.
I entered to win
Halo Game Xbox
I entered to win
HABA Push Toy
I entered to win
Samsung Phone
I entered to win
Step2 Workshop Playset
I didn’t know Pepto came in pill form – where have I been?! Love it!
I didn’t know the Instacool existed.
Pepto treats the source, bacteria
Entered The Sims 3 Pets
Entered Jogo Carving Scooter
I need to try their chewable tablets!
I learned theyt have InstaCool chewable tablets
Entered HALO Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition for Xbox 360
I learned on the site that there are chewables for adults called Instacool, which I like. I hate the pink liquid but this might work.
I learned that Pepto is not recommended for use in children
Entered Scholastic books, Trikke scooter, Home Depot Workshop, Legacy Kitchen and Chugginton Calley giveaways
The next time I try Pepto I would like to try the Instacool varitey. Thank you!
I would like to try the chewables
kyfaithw at aol dot com
Entered Flip Racer giveaway
Entered Kidtoons Olivia giveaway
Entered Samsung Windows Phone giveaway
Entered Maukilo Wooden Push Toy giveaway
Entered Plasma Car giveaway
I’d like to try the instacool tablets.
Learned that they also have chewable tablets in cherry flavor
Have your button: http://adventuresinwinterland.blogspot.com/
Entered the ff giveaways: Scholastic Books, Gel Pro Mat, Reijan Eden giveaway, Caribou Coffee, and Singing & Story Telling Belle
I learned that they have Pepto Bismol Max. I am going to have to look for that.
also entered halo, olivia, both step 2 and singing belle giveaways
pepto is a great product,been using for years
I like that they have Instacool tablets!
I didn’t know Pepto came in a pill form. This is like fantastic news!! Because we all know the liquid is kind of gross.
E-mail used for e-mail updates and RSS Feed is yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com – there wasn’t a spot for it on the rafflecopter form.
I entered the Maukilo toy giveaway.
pep to comes in regular max, caplets and chew tabs
I entered to win
Rembrandt & Reach Prize Pack
I entered to win
Reija Eden Jewelry
I entered to win
Sims3 Pets game
I entered to win
Step2 Legacy Play Kitchen
I entered to win
Eight O’Clock Coffee Prize Pack
I liked the bowlers picture on the first page of their site. The expression of the bowler holding the plate of food cracks me up!
I have your button on right side bar
Entered Caribou Coffee giveaway
I learned that Pepto is sugar free
I like the cherry chewable tablets
Pepto bismal doesn’t need to be refrigerated after opening, but it does sometimes make it easier to swallow for those who have issues getting medicine down.
I learned that you can refrigerate Pepto-Bismol
I like that Pepto bismol now makes a formula especially for children.
i would like to try the cherry flavor
I really think the Children’s Cookbook is awesome.
I love that they have Chewables for kids!
I learned that they make Pepto for children under 12
I would like to try the Insta-Cool Tablets.
I like the Instacool peppermint chewable tablets
I’ve learned that they make PEPTO-BISMOL EASY-TO-SWALLOW CAPLETS. I have stayed away from Pepto because I had liquids. This would definitely change my mind.
In their Faqs sections I learned why Pepto Bismo is pink. Or rather I learned nobody knows why the doctor who developed the product in the early 20th century chose pink.
I learned that it comes in cherry flavor! I thought they only made the normal flavor!
nancymeyer1 at gmail.com
I learned that kids under 12 cannot use it.
I like that there is a link to their facebook page which is very interactive
Great contest and excellent prizes!!
Link to my Tweet
i learned that During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains
my previous comment never showed up –
i learned that During the 1920s, Pepto-Bismol was sold at drugstore soda fountains
I liked that they have cherry flavor, I didn’t know that.
I entered the JoGo Scooter, Reach Rembrandt, Sims 3, Plasma Car, and Flip Racecar giveaways
I entered the zutano, Hasbros back racer, Maukilo Haba wooden toy, halo combat for xbox, and Kidtoons olivia.
entered singing belle, caribou coffee, reija eden, sims, gel pro
nannypanpan at gmail.com
I like that Pepto-Bismol comes in tablet form so I can carry them in my purse and have them any time I may need them.
I learned that Pepto-Bismol has a pill you can swallow rather than chew… I had no idea. lol That’s actually pretty cool, since I don’t like liquid medication or chewables. I’ll have to remember this next time I’m at the store!
welindsey at gmail dot com
I learned that a doctor originally developed Pepto Bismol and made it the pink color. The color has stuck all this time. reejen at comcast dot net
I like the cherry Pepto, but I still like the regular flavor, too.
Cherry chewables
Here is a list of giveaways I have entered + others not listed due to them being closed before I could copy them.
Trikke T5 Jogo Scooter
Eight O’Clock Coffee Prize Pack
Scholastic Books Gift Basket
Reach/Rembrandt Gingerbread Sweep & Keep Prize Pack
GelPro Comfort Floor Mat
Kowallaa Wall Graphics Art that Clings
The Sims 3: Pets
Reija Eden Owl Necklaces
Earth Divas Fair Trade Purse
Caribou Coffee Prize Pack
Singing & Storytelling Belle
Plasma Car
Step2 Lifestyle Legacy Play Kitchen
iPod Shuffle/iTunes GC/ Toshiba HD Camcorder/Serving Dish/Pepto
Maukilo HABA Wooden Push Toy
Samsung Focus Flash Windows Phone
FLIP the Bounce Back Racer
Kidtoons Olivia Prize Pack
HALO Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition
Moxie Girlz Riding Club Horse
Step2 Home Depot Big Builders Workshop Playset
Chuggington Calley’s Rescue Set Wooden Train Set
I learned that Pepto now has Pepto-Bismol® with InstaCool® chewable tablets
I learned that Pepto Bismol comes in a cherry flavor and also comes in tablet form now.
I would like to try the Pepto Max! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I entered the builders workshop, step 2 kitchen, samsung focus, Halo & the plasma car.
Entered the Reach/Rembrandt giveaway, Halo, Sims, Gelpro & Scholastic giveaways
liquid Pepto Bismol is available in original, cherry, and maximum strength
I didn’t realize I have to ask my doctor about taking Pepto because of my arthritis medication.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
I really could have used some of the pink stuff over the weekend! Too much food!
Entered the Earth Divas purse giveaway.
I entered the SpongeBob SquarePants Season 7 DVD giveaway
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Trikke T5 Jogo Carving Scooter giveaway
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I learned that they sell Instacool Pepto
I entered the Eight O’Clock Coffee giveaway
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Samsung Focus Flash Windows Phone giveaway
abfantom at yahoo dot com
entered in the plasma car giveaway
entered in the lifestyle legacy play kitchen giveaway
entered in the singing and storytelling belle giveaway
entered in the reija eden owl giveaway
entered in the earth divas giveaway
entered: FLIP The Bounce Back Racer. Kidtoons Olivia Prize Pack. Spongebob Squarepants The Complete Seventh Season
I like that they have a cookbook
What I learned is that as of spring 2004, the FDA required the child dosing directions be removed from the label of all anti-diarrheal products containing bismuth subsalicylate, including Pepto-Bismol. The new dosing directions require that consumers speak with a doctor before giving Pepto-Bismol to children under 12.
I entered
Trikke Scooter
Gel Pro Mat
reach/rembrandt giveaway
Scholastic books
kowaii wall graphics
The Instacools look refreshing!
I think I’ll try the Instacool tablets next time I need Pepto.
Children’s Pepto is a wonderful invention.
I like that they make kids pepto.
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
I’d liketo try the Insta Cool tablets
childrens watermelon pepto sounds cool
I like that pepto is available in a child formula and that it comes in cherry flavored
I want to try the cherry chewable tablets
I like the Cooking with Kids section on their website.
I entered the Kidtoons Olivia giveaway.
I like Cherry Pepto! 🙂 As much as someone can like an antacid! lol It tastes better than most!
great for holiday day afters’
Pepto comes in different flavors.
i like the cherry
I learned that there is a Children’s Pepto in Watermelon and Bubblegum flavors.
I entered all of your current giveaways!
I didn’t know there was a cherry pepto bismol!
I learned they also have a cherry flavor.
I like their Taste Adventure Stories that users send in! Very fun to read, thanks for the giveaway!
I learned that they come in Original and Cherry flavors.
I didn’t realize they had capsule form. Would be perfect for my husband who doesn’t like the taste!
I’d like to try the pep to cherry chewable tablets.
I like that it comes in Cherry flavor. I could have used this over the holiday weekend! LOL
mosaic317 at gmail dot com
i like the chewables for kids.
i learned that there are chewable peptos!
I’d like to try the watermelon flavored Pepto
like the pepto instant cool
entered eight oclock coffee, haba toy, olivia, zutano, moxie girlz
Discovered the Pepto makes a Pepto Max.
I didn’t know it came in pill form.
I always have the meltable pills in my house. This is so much easier for children to handle when needed!
i didn’t even know the instacool tablets existed…
selenajowest at live dot com
I like that they have chewable pepto
I learned that they have chewable instacool tablets that taste like peppermint!
Cherry Chewable tablets
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I learned that Pepto is not to be used by children under age 12.
I did not know that they had developed so many more flavors….
I learned that what we now call Pepto-Bismol, was originally developed more than 100 years ago by a doctor in his home and that it now comes in a convenient chewable tablet – great for when you’re on the run or traveling.
I learned about Pepto-Bismol® with InstaCool® chewable tablets.
did not know they had it for children!
The medicine we now call Pepto-Bismol was originally developed more than 100 years ago by a doctor in his home.
The chewable would be convenient to carry in y purse.
I’d love to try the cherry Pepto tablets
I love that they make Children’s Pepto tablets!
I entered the Step 2 Home Depot giveaway.
I learned that it comes in cherry flavor.
i learned that you shouldn’t give it to children under 12 – i had no idea
marygardner49 at aol dot com
I like the eat, drink & be covered promo on FB
I like that they now have chewable tablets
Your button is here: http://myloonyverse.com
also entered Maukilo
marygardner49 at aol dot com
we could use the whole line at our house!! I like the new instacool medicine!
what a great giveaway lol
The InstaCool chewables are a peppermint flavor which is good because regular Pepto Bismol is nasty.
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
They have a cookbook.
Entered Scholastic, Gel Pro, Trikke, Eight O’clock Coffee & Reach/Rembrandt.
I did not know there was a peptomax, I always believed there was only 1 kind of pepto.
Button: http://theapels.blogspot.com/
Entered: Reija Eden Owl Necklaces (2 winners) (rafflecopter)
Entered: Plasma Car (rafflecopter)
Entered: Trikke T5 Jogo Scooter (rafflecopter)
Entered: Eight O’Clock Coffee Prize Pack (rafflecopter)
pepto bismol has been around for more than a century
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
Entered: Step2 Home Depot Big Builders Workshop Playset RV $119.99 (rafflecopter)
I love that they have chewables for kids. When my kids were in need of pepto getting them to drink it was so messy
Added button: http://justmarriedmomof3.blogspot.com/p/blog-button-hall-of-fame.html
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
I didn’t know they made a chewable version for children!
I learned it comes in liquid, chewable tablets and caplets.
entered flapping frank
I would like to try the Chewable antacid tablets
I would like to try the Chewable antacid tablets!
I did not realize the immensity of their products.
I love the color of the website and i learned that they actually have a pepto for children. I always used the adult strength even as a child.
entered Maukilo HABA Flapping Frank Toddler Push Toy : #GIVEAWAY
I’d like to have one of those pink shirts that the people are wearing, without the bowling logo on the back.
entered HALO Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition (rafflecopter)
I discovered that there is an option for children.
I learned they make the chewables for kids and adults.
I learned that they also make Children’s Pepto® Antacid Chewable Tablets.
spaller213 (at) gmail (dot) com
I’m curious to try Pepto-Bismol with Instacool Peppermint Tablets. I
They have flavors!?!?
I learned there are many forms of pepto bismo not just liquid
amasfuntime at yahoo.com
I thinking the Cooking with kids cookbook is really cute and fun.
juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com
They have chewable tablets which are cherry. I love cherry anything! LOL
spcale at yahoo dot com.
entered reach spcale at yahoo dot com.
I’d like to have the chewables on hand for my kids!
They have several options now, you don’t have to just get ht epink
I learned about the Pepto-Bismol® with InstaCool® chewable tablets. I like that they have an instant cooling sensation, pretty cool!
button on my blog http://sweepstakesaddiction.blogspot.com/
entered the HABA Flapping Frank Push Toy giveaway.
I like the FAQ section
I learned Pepto-Bismol is good for nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach and diarrhea. Thanks for having this contest!
entered scholastic, rembrandt, eight o clock coffee, and spongebob
nannypanpan at gmail.com
I learned you can refrigerate Pepto-Bismol but don’t freeze it
Entered your Maukilo/HABA giveaway (no space on Rafflecopter form)
I didn’t know about their Instacool Tablets and would love to try it next time I have indigestion.
I entered the JoGo Scooter, Reach/Rembrandt, Sims3, Plasma Car and Flip Bounce back giveaways
I need some of those insta cools!!!
all email sub under: e.ringwald at yahoo
entered haba giveaway
entered halo giveaway
I entered to win
Plasma Car
I entered to win
Kowallaa Wall art
I entered to win
Gelpro Kitchen Mat
I entered to win
Scholastic Books
Thanks for the giveaway…Pepto-Bismol is available in caplets that you can swallow.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I learned you shouldn’t give pepto to your pets.
I would like to try the Cherry flavor because I don’t like the original flavor.
Children and teenagers who have or are recovering from chicken pox or flu-like symptoms should not use Pepto-Bismol.
I entered the HALO giveaway.
I love how they have chewable tablets for people who dont like drinking the liquid.
Cherry flavor has twice the strength of the original !